
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Crazy, Random, Happenstance

Wow, I've sucked consistently for two days, and haven't posted in technically three, but I'm making up for that now. I am disappointed, but in my defense, I have been too tired to actually think out a semi intelligent post. I've done everything and nothing in the past two days. My progress on things I actually need to do has been fantastic, but the progress on things I bought to entertain myself in my time of sickness is sub-par.

For example, I knew quite awhile back that I wasn't going to be allowed to work for a long time and would be hauled up in the house. Knowing this, I decided to take advantage of a huge sale at Joann Fabrics, seeing as I am crafty and what not. I got almost $300 in fabric for around $78 and it was all fabric that I needed in order to complete projects I had in mind. I also got everything else I could think of for backup and other accouterments to complete said projects so I didn't have to go back out again. I figured I could knock out every single project that I had on my to do list while home and it would give me something to do so that I wasn't bored. Wrong!

I got about twenty seven percent of my projects done, but realized that sewing when I am as dizzy as I am, isn't exactly the easiest thing ever. I figured that if I could walk cautiously, that surely I could sew, but the precision that sewing requires isn't allowing me to get too incredibly far, therefore I am still bored, and still wanting to sew. I have pillows to sew covers for, several sets of curtains, a dog bed, a runner for the fireplace, and several other things that I can not remember. I am disappointed and hope to get back to sewing again soon.

Also, I acquired vintage 1950's dresses along with four 1950's purses when my moms friend had a yard sale to clear her mother's house of all its stuff, since her mom had passed and the house needed sold. I want to hem the 1950's dresses and fix them to look a little more modern, and remove the shoulder pads, without taking away from the vintage-ness of them. Summer is coming and I haven't been able to do that either, and I so desperately want to. When I do finally get this stuff done, I'll take pictures of it and post them on here.

In my two years that I worked at Hallmark, I collected a bunch of photo albums and scrapbooks, all the coveted Hallmark brand, and all on sale for two dollars or less. I have over a thousand pictures just helter-skelter in a big box, where they are sorted, but unhappy. I wanted to piece together my photo albums and scrapbooks while I was home and bored. Guess what, I failed there too.

I still have time, lots and lots of time, but it sucks when I feel so terrible that I can't even do crafting projects that require sitting and precision. I know I have about a billion other crafting projects to do, but I can't even think of what they are right now. If I went in my closet where everything is compulsively organized, I know it would all come back to me quickly, which is why I'm not going to do that.

Speaking of things I'm not getting done, my novel has made it on that list. Right now, I'm really content and excited about one story more than the others, so I was working very diligently on it, except I haven't touched it in two days. I've been too exhausted. I'm hoping once I'm done typing out this blog that I will actually go ahead and work on it, but seeing as it's going on 11:30 at night, I don't know if it's going to happen.

Now, I know what you're thinking and NOT because I'm psychic, like people, for whatever reason, seem to think. (True story.) Why am I writing a less important blog when I could be writing my novel, something I'm passionate about? Simple. This blog was made not only for others to read, but mostly to keep a journal of my days as I'm going through being sick and in a somewhat bad way. I want to be able to look back once I get better and always remember how fortunate I am to be well, and grateful for every day that's been given to me. It's important to me to do this, and I want to log the last three days into here before I forget the small, fun things, as well as the really important ones. Besides, I have nothing to do tomorrow unless I actually work on my crafting projects, so I can hide out in my room and work on my novel. Maybe I just will.

This is going to be a long post in order for me to fit everything in, so I will just start at the beginning, stop several times to think and look at my list which has noted everything I want to add in here, and go from there.

Thursday, I had to go and have my blood taken. I woke up at an ungodly hour from an unusually deep sleep and we headed up to the university medical center in rush hour traffic. Fun stuff. On our way there we happened to be stopped at a red light when I looked out my window and caught a glimpse of a rather odd site; a digital church sign. Upon reading it like I instinctively do with all signs, I noticed that it had spelled the word hospitality as hospitilatiy. Not only is there a spellcheck key in your computer when you are programming it for digital signs (eh hem F7), but that is one of those rare words that's spelled the same as it phonetically sounds. I wish I would have taken a picture with my Sidekick, but alas I did not. I am going back up there next Friday and will pass the same church. I will have my phone ready, and if the sign still reads the same, I promise a picture from the car. If I have to get out to take the picture though, all bets are off as the neighborhood is a really bad one.

A short note to the church in Wilkinsburg: The word hospitality is NOT spelt hospitilatiy. Thank you. (Just in case anyone from that church would come across this blog.)

I made it to the hospital and had my blood drawn. The one blood test required me to lay flat and relax for twenty minutes to a half hour before they pulled my blood, however the nurse got busy and it ended up being more like forty minutes. On a good note, they only took ten tubes of blood instead of sixteen. Isn't it sad when "only" ten tubes of blood is a good note?

Also, I had to collect all my blood results from all my doctors, which are in the same complex, but it was still going to be time consuming. I needed the results for an appointment with my PCP who is NOT in the same group as the rest of my doctors, meaning he can't access the computer system with all my results already in it like they can. I made my way to the closest doctors office after getting my blood pulled and she got in the computer and printed out all of my blood tests results from all my doctors instead of making me go to all of my doctors separately. I love her in a totally platonic way. Thank you Jamie the receptionist!

I had told the endocrinologist, who had the blood pulled on Thursday, that I was trying to get all of my blood test results back for Monday, in passing, knowing that there would be no possible way for the blood testing I was doing that day to be processed and reported on by Monday. Today, I got an e-mail linking me to a page that had test results from my urine analysis and two of my blood test results on it. This is Saturday and my doctor is a saint. Even though two tests are barely every single one of them, it is still something and it is still more than appreciated. I didn't expect to have ANY test results for two weeks. I have been fortunate to have the caring doctors that I do, especially after going through the less than caring ones that I have, and I am thankful, grateful, and humbled.

After leaving the hospital, my mom at the wheel since usually I feel pretty lightheaded and gross after having blood pulled, we started towards home. At this point it was around 10:30 and I was still feeling pretty okay, until about halfway there. Excuse my lack of creativity and story telling tonight. I became pretty pissed off at myself as I promised my grandmother that we'd stop for lunch at her place on the way home, because all I wanted to do was go home at that point. She lives about a half an hour from me and I literally have to pass her house to get home from where I was. She had been bugging us to do lunch, so it seemed like a good compromise and I did manage to stay awake the entire time and not get sick...somehow.

While at lunch in the cafeteria with around thirty people who were all aged over seventy, I had turned my ringer on my cell phone up so I would hear it, as I was awaiting a call back from a doctor, which I have not yet gotten. I felt badly for leaving my phone on and semi loud in the middle of a cafeteria, but if I missed the call, it was unlikely that I'd be able to get a hold of the doctor again for several days. About a third of the way through lunch, I realized my ring tone is the chorus to But It's Better If You Do (Brendon's ass looks amazing in these pants, no? And those lips, my god child.) by Panic at the Disco (do I really need to link them again?). Enough said.

We made it home and I had planned on sleeping, however, about a half an hour after getting home our power went out, which is always a worry around here. We have issues with our power going out every time we blink and often staying out for a few days, as the power company usually fixes our road last. The last time our power went out, there were two downed power lines and despite calling them in, they were left in the middle of the road for three days. Everything aside though, losing power wouldn't be so bad except it's cold out, and we have well water, leaving us without water when we don't have power. We can't even flush our toilets people. Our power did come back on, and when it did we were told that the power company took our power out on purpose to test or fix something or another. They told us this AFTER it was back on. Thanks Allegheny Power. Your dickwadness continues to shock and amaze me.

I spent the rest of the evening so tired that I couldn't actually sleep, and watching re-runs of That 70's Show. I could comment on my love for that show for hours, but I will spare everyone.

Over the past week I've done a lot of thinking. I love Becky 1 for a lot of reasons and we've known each other for so long. In one way, I'm just done with her, and in another I know that I'll miss her because we have so much fun together. I decided that I was going to continue to remain friends with her, but not piss around either. When I ask her what time she wants to do something and she repeatedly doesn't answer me, I won't wait around until she figures out a time and then go with her. I will do what I want and need to do, and if she fits in my day, that's fine. She can't commit to a thing, which makes it hard to get together with her. I also will not go out of my way to plan anything for her, as it's a waste. We'll see how this works out. I figure if I'm not doing anything exclusively on her terms, then it won't be so bad. Those may be famous last words.

Thursday night we were texting, and I feel the need to share the contents of the texts which I have saved for this occasion. To set up the conversation, we were talking about going to see a movie a night just to get out of the house for awhile, and with the huge drop in movie ticket prices that occurred recently, we can actually afford to go. We were discussing which movie to go and see, and here's what happened. Also note that any of my current comments are in parenthesis.

Me: OMG, WE SHOULD SEE THE JONAS BROTHERS MOVIE! I'm sorry, I had to. (Neither of us are JBro fans. We also do not have anything against them. It's personal preference, nothing more, nothing less.)

Becky 1: Buhahaha. I'd do it to mock it, but only on an off day without the teens and tweens. (Nothing against teens and tweens, respectively.)

Me: I would too, sadly. I would like to see Taylor Swift's (do I really need to link her again too?) portion. OMG, watch, we'd go and like it.

Becky 1: I'm afraid of that.

Me: I am too. So what we're saying is we're afraid to see the Jonas Brothers movie, not because we hate them, but because we're afraid we might like them.

Becky 1: Err...yes.

Me: Okay, screw the movie. We're going to a strip club.

Becky 1: Lol!

Me: No, I'm serious. We are pathetic. We need to stare at men and not be afraid of the Jonas Brothers concert.

Hopefully we will pick a day to stare at some hot ass soon. Seriously, we need to, which is painfully obvious.

In other news, I slept a lot yesterday, and when I say a lot, I mean a lot. I had ninety two things to do. My day was supposed to go this way. Get up, get dressed, get gas, pay bill, take papers to County Assistance Office, take my mom to three places nearby to put in job applications since I was up that way, go to mall, come home and change, meet Becky 1 for a 3:30 lunch.

My day actually went this way. Get up at 1:30, help mom with computer as she barely can figure out how to turn it on, rush around to get ready, get gas, pay bill, go to county assistance office, and pull in three minutes late to meet Becky 1. In my defense, I was up in the morning, but was too sick to keep going and had to lay down. This happens a lot.

Becky 1 and I ate at a place called Smokey Bones. (The Jonas Brother's website is far less annoying than theirs, I've learned.) I realized that while we were eating, our phones were both out on the table and we were texting, and sadly, we even texted each other once. Pathetic. This is normal for us, however we barely had anything to talk about. It felt very weird and I'm wondering if we are just simply growing apart, but I don't know. Time will tell. I also realized that if I'm around she and Patrick, who also used to be a friend of mine, it's just weird. They're in their own little world. (Thank you for giving me the finger Patrick, just for driving past you. I will get you back.)

The rest of the day was devoid of pretty much anything exciting except I got Greta Hayley cookies, failed at everything else miserably, and was exhausted. Oh, except I realized my PCP's office set me up with the wrong PCP. Being that I had never met my new PCP at the time when I first saw him, and that he only had his last name on his lab coat, and it was the same name as the doctor I was supposed to have, I didn't realize this until yesterday. I had to call the insurance company and make sure they would cover if the doctors office fucked and set me up with the wrong doctor after I asked for the doctor on my insurance card specifically by first and last name. They said since they were in the same practice they would cover it and I could stay with the PCP I have if I like him. I do.

Today seemed a lot like yesterday, only a whole lot more fail. Imagine that. Originally today was supposed to go this way. Get up, spend the day with Alex, and then have an early dinner with Becky 1 on my two for one coupon for Fridays. My day went nothing at all like this, and I saw neither Alex nor Becky 1. In fact, I did a lot of looking at my mom. I'm seeing a pattern. I'm also seeing myself having a really loud conversation with the neighbors if they do not stop jacking my internet.

Neither Alex nor I could seem to make plans, and I didn't see a point of driving a half hour to his house where everything was closed, as its spring break and he's on a college campus, only to stare at each other and have a long conversation about what we were going to do. I texted him and told him this, but apparently he didn't get them and I think he's slightly upset with me. I sent him more than one text. I feel bad, but there's nothing I can do. I sent said texts and left it at that. I'm not one for really making phone calls, but when texting is good enough, why waste precious minutes when I have unlimited text? Besides, if he was that concerned, he could have called me, but did not.

Becky 1 was supposed to let me know what she was doing as far as dinner sometime this morning, and if she had to take her car to the dealer today or not. She did not let me know, and even after I knew I wasn't hanging out with Alex, I asked her again and got an "I don't know." My mom and I both needed to go to the same place today, so I decided with to just go with her. Therefore, when Becky did decide a time, I was occupied. No, I don't feel bad. You can only ask someone for an answer so many times, and when they don't give you one, you can't sit around and wait for them.

Today made me wonder one thing. Why are all headbands being made now very 1980's? I can not put that on my head. No offense 80's, but you're just not my friend and this is 2009.

Now, for the random comment portion of this blog. I'm sure I missed a bunch of things I wanted to add in here, but I'm going to hit all the random points.

Did you know that there's a place in New Zealand called Tutukaka. It's pronounced exactly how you would think it is.

I was told today that David Arquette (Courteney Cox's husband) now has a clothing line and gave one of the shirts from it to the incomparable Ellen Degeneres on her show yesterday. On the front it says "once upon a time," and on the back it reads "happily ever after." Becky 1 wants to know why she would want a shirt that said that. I want to know if I made a shirt that said "We wish you a merry," On the front and "fourth of July" on the back if it would cover all basis and sell well.

Becky 1 was not impressed by Fall Out Boy on Ellen Friday, whereas we both usually are. She said Patrick was hard to understand. Patrick Stump is sometimes quite tough to understand, but normally phenomenal. Bummer. Pete also did nothing but wander the stage and forget to sing back up vocals. Sadly, I think this is what makes Pete Wentz (husband and baby daddy to Ashlee Simpson-Wentz) who he is, but you can't help but love him for it most of the time. (I said most, not all.)

There was a guest on Ellen yesterday that had a shirt that said "Lv Grn." Becky 1 pointed out that it made her want to make a shirt that said "use vowels." (The "use vowels" shirt is copyright of Miss Becky 1. Take it and lose a limb.) I think she should. I think people would buy the hell out of them, especially with the texting epidemic that has gotten into everyone.

Since I haven't posted in three days, I shall add three songs according to what song each day reminded me of, and what I found myself singing that day. I know I was singing the whole way up and back from the hospital Thursday, I just have to think of what song it was that I was singing.

Thursday's song will be Franklin by the band Paramore from their first album All We Know Is Falling. I couldn't stop singing the ending to the song. So lovely. Hayley Williams has one of the most unique and refreshing voices that I've heard in a long time. Also, her style rocks.

Friday's songs was definitely Candles by Hey Monday off of their first album Hold On Tight. Beautiful song and I think all woman can relate to it in one way or another.

I don't think I've run around singing anything today, but knowing me I was singing and didn't know it. Wait, I lie, I spent ten minutes in Hot Topic singing Elephants by Rachel Yamagata off of her double album Elephants/Teeth Sinking Into Heart. (Elephants is the opening song her website if you'd like to hear the recorded version, but I wanted to add her live.) She is truly a unique talent. I've seen her live before and I have to say she is the best female artists I've had the pleasure of witnessing the sharing of their gift.

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