
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hannah: The Cutest Three Year Old Ever!

Yesterday, my mom had an open house, and I helped her with it. It was one of those town wide type of mass open houses that her company planned, prepared, and advertised for, so she didn't know how many people she was going to get, therefore, she had me come and sit in the chair next to the table of home information wonders. I ended up being needed, but that's not really the point of this, because cute kids came to the open house, and cute kids are the point of everything.

There were a few babies and a few loud boys with a little girl who was bad, but barely said anything. Although all were super adorable, none dazzled like my new little friend of whom I will call Hannah for her protection and just because it's a cute name, and she is cute. Hannah started out a bit shy, but once her parents really got into looking at the house, she ran right into the living room and befriended me by asking me what the Easter Bunny had brought me. I obliged to her conversation and told her in exchange for her telling me what she got. (A great big chocolate bunny and a ball to bounce around.)

If that wasn't enough, we talked about Santa, too, which segued nicely into talking about dogs. She informed me that when she got a new house, she was getting a dog. She wasn't getting a big one, though, just a regular sized dog. And when I asked her what color and kind of dog she wanted, she again informed me that she wanted just a regular dog. I should have taken down her phone number, providing she knew it at the age of three, just to see what her definition of a regular dog was. She was too cute.

When that was all said and done, she told me about all her stuffed animals and which one she sleeps with. (She has a bear named Sunshine and one named Grumpy, and then she had a dog she slept with, but unfortunately I can't remember its name.) She asked me if I had any stuffed animals, and I told her I did, which led to me telling her about all the different kinds I had. Then the kicker came. I told her that I was twenty five and still slept with a stuffed animal, too. That conversation went something like this.

Hannah: *Little Kid oh-no-you-didn't expression* "Are you kidding me?"

Me: "No."

Hannah: "Is this a joke?"

Me: "No, I'm serious, I do still sleep with my stuffed animal. I like to cuddle, and a stuffed animal is all cuddly and much cuter than people, especially boys, who have cooties. He's a dog, and his name is Sandy." (She didn't respond to the cooties comment, but I just wanted to make sure that at the age of three, she was getting a healthy dose of the truth.)

Hannah: "You're weird."

Me: "I agree."

Hannah: "Then I still like you."

We got into some semantics, like why my dog slept with me, but I didn't cuddle with her (she gets too hot and uncomfortable), and why I'm so old (because God said so.) Long last, she and her cute little light up shoes (Of which she has two pairs; the pink ones she was wearing, and her pink and blue ones.) were whisked out of my life forever. Of course, she didn't go without a fight. We were in the middle of a very fascinating conversation, and her mom had to force her to leave, because she didn't want to split up our conversation. I'd like to think that although I'll never see her again, I made a new best friend. Cute little kids are totally my crowd. (And if any of you just had a sleazy thought, knock if out of your head. I love kids in a very platonic, motherly like fashion. Sheesh!)

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