
Monday, April 25, 2011

For Those Who Are Missed and Those Who Are Loved

First of all, Happy Belated Easter to those who celebrate! I wish I had an awesome little post with cute bunnies to insert here, but other things have kept me occupied lately, so I apologize for my fail.

Instead of my resident blog post for tonight, I would like to address a few very important things. I'm not talking about the what color nail polish should I wear kind of important, but things that are actually important to everyone with feelings. I know you wouldn't be here if you didn't have feelings, right? Right.

First of all, I want to thank the anonymous reader who commented on my Chicken Soup For the Heartbroken Soul post. You are very welcome for that post, and I am grateful that you are so kind as to read it. I hope whatever you are going through will only make you a stronger, more amazing you.

Second, I am appealing to my readers from everywhere and hope that this post reaches the right people. I don't know who will see this, but I pray that someone, somewhere will and will be able to help. If you've been with me on this blog for awhile, you know about the gift that I have. That being said, missing persons cases affect me very deeply, especially when they are young girls like myself. Even when I know I can help, I don't know how to approach the police without making myself look suspicious, so this is where I ask for your help. There are three separate cases right now that are particularly disturbing to me, and I'm hoping that someone out there knows something and will see this and go to the police. Every missing persons case is important, and I am not saying that these girls are more important than anyone else who is missing, be it boy, girl, man or woman. I am also not saying whether I feel these girls are dead or alive, only stating the facts laid out in media reports that you can easily gain access to. These girls are sisters, cousins, aunts, nieces and daughters. Some are even mothers. They are all missing, and people are missing them.

Holly Bobo's disappearance has been all over the news the past few weeks. She is the cousin to country singer Whitney Duncan. She was taken into the woods from her home in Parsons, Tennessee by and unidentified man and hasn't been seen since. People have been tirelessly searching for her to no avail, and there have been prayer vigils held in hopes that God will hear their prayers, and she will be found alive. If you know anything about her whereabouts, please contact the number listed in the linked article. If you know something and are afraid, there is a hefty reward for information leading to locating her, so please, if that's what it takes to motivate you to contact the right people, use it.

Alivia Christine Kail has been mentioned in a former post, but she is still missing. She was said to be going to Florida with her boyfriend, but instead turned up missing. No one knows if she made it to Florida, or where she is. What they do know is that the boyfriend never made it out of state and has since been arrested on unrelated charges. She could be anywhere. People do not just vanish without a trace, and her family deserves a chance to know what happened to her. Please call the number in the linked article if you know anything about her whereabouts. Even if you've seen her and know she's okay, but she doesn't want to come home, just make the call. Her family deserves to have their suffering ended and know that she's out there somewhere, and she's okay. You don't even have to say where she is if you don't want to. Just please do something. Imagine how you would feel if this was your little girl, your friend, or your sister.

Paige Johnson has been missing for much longer than the first two girls, who both went missing in a similar time period. Seven months is too long to not know what happened to someone you love and care about. This girl is a mother, and her child deserves to know her mom. There's been a lot of inconsistencies, dead ends and wrong turns in this case, so I urge you to click on the link and watch the video, instead of having me try to explain all that's happened. This girl deserves to be treated with respect, and her family deserves to know where she is. If you can help, again, please call the number in the link. It would mean the world to someone.

All of these girls deserve as much attention as possible, and deserve to be brought home, regardless of if they will be coming home in the way the families are praying for or not. The families deserve answers. Maybe I sound like a hypocrite, because I feel like I can help and am afraid of getting arrested if I try. There's still a lot of people who don't believe in what I do, and I respect that. With that in mind, if anyone sees this who is involved in any of these cases and believes in what I do, I am always happy to help as much as I can, because it breaks my heart that these women are missing and you have no answers. That goes for anyone else who is looking for help with a missing persons case. I don't want money; that's not what I do. I would never take money from anyone, because I was given this gift for a reason and it's not to take advantage of people who are in the worst times of their lives and just want answers about their loved ones. I can't promise you that I can give you the answers you need, because the truth is, even a psychic medium doesn't know everything, but I do promise that I will try my best to help bring you answers and peace about your loved one. My contact information is on my Blogger profile if you are feel the need to seek my help.

And for those of you who have not been following my blog for long, but are still interested in my help, I want to also make another fact about myself clear, just in case you are unaware of this. Because I believe in being up front, my real name is not Cassadee Willows, which I've mentioned before. I promise that I am not trying to be the least bit shady about anything, but I have a crazy, volatile father out there in this world somewhere, and I have taken extensive measures to depart from my real name in order to make sure that he doesn't find me. If you do email me, I am always willing to give out my real name to anyone seeking help, but just choose not to do it publicly for that reason.

Last, but not least on my list of important things, I am just absolutely sickened and mortified by what is going on in Long Island, New York. I hope that there are not more bodies, and I also hope that all the parents who are waiting in fear, wondering if it's their daughter they will find next, won't have to have their hearts broken any more then they already have been. I know there's a lot of people who are looking at this case and not giving it the compassion it deserves because of the line of business some of these girls were in. That doesn't matter. These girls are human, and they don't deserve to be treated less than because of the way they lived their lives, and it certainly gives no one a right to take theirs from them. No one but themselves, and possibly their nearest and dearest know why they chose to live the life they did, but I believe they were doing what they had to, to get by and don't deserve to be judged for that.

I also know not all of you are religious, so I'm not going to preach, but I will say that in my line of work, I've realized that God has a plan for everyone, and although lives are often cut short, none are taken too soon in the grand scheme of things. A lot of the girls who die young go on to protect people in their afterlife with compassion and perseverance like I've never seen in the living. I guess what I'm trying to say is that some people just have a greater purpose, although it is never fair, and it never will be, to have someone you love ripped from you so quickly and so young. My heart goes out to you, and I hope all of you will find the answers you're looking for.

I will be back to being my snarky self in the next post, complete with stories full of annoyance and laughter specifically aimed at people on Craigslist. I've finally realized the problem; it's me. It is so clearly me, because I know how dumb people are on Craigslist (not all, but an overwhelmingly large portion) and yet I'm even dumber, because I keep posting on there. So I get it. It's ironic, yeah?

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