My grandma was a strong woman. She wasn't ready to pass when she did, but Scleroderma ruined her heart, destroying the right side completely. Her body just couldn't hold up any longer, though her mind was strong. She passed suddenly in the winter of 2009. Though we knew her time was coming, we had gotten a call one morning that they had found her in her apartment still breathing, but she was gone before she reached the hospital.
She was more than a grandma to me. She was a confidante, a best friend, and a lot of times she played the roll of mom. Not a day goes by that I still don't think of her and miss her. Last year I wasn't strong enough to post a tribute to her, and this year I'm crying the whole way through it, but I want her to know that she will be remembered.

This week has been particularly hard, not just because of what today signified, but because our beloved kitty Lila also passed on Tuesday. We had, had her so long that we couldn't even remember when we got her. She was an older kitty, but also in good health, until one day she wasn't, and the next, it seemed, she was gone. Pets are truly part of the family and it's been hard getting through this week without her little meows and leg hugs around every corner.
I know I owe some of you comments on your blogs, and I thank you all for the comments on mine. I promise I am getting there. Please bear with me until a few wounds start to heal. I'm going through some other things involving my gift and in general am having a trying time this week.
So am I, Cassie...Please be strong and we know we have to. Life's still on the road to be driven by us. Without the driver, the road is dead...
Be strong, my good friend...
"If something can be remembered, it can come back."
You won't ever lose her, and she'll always be there for you. Stay strong, <33
And don't you worry about my blog. I'm currently trying to write a sort of... article, I guess, on the basis of My Chemical Romance saving people's lives. I've had such a tremendous response from people sending me their stories. The reason I'm writing it is because I don't know the band too well, but I'm fascinated by how their lyrics and they themselves have helped save lives.
Rant over. Completely irrelevant. Just don't worry about my blog; you have so much more to worry about! x
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