Today is Valentine's Day! Since the more boys I meet, the more I love my animals, I decided to take lot of yummy pictures of them so that they could wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day.
I started with Helena, but all she did was stare at me. Being the good human that I am, I thought it would be a rather dandy idea to explain to her just what Valentine's Day was. I told her it was a day when cute little friends walked hand in hand and gave each other huggles and kisses. This was her reaction.
Obviously, she thinks Valentine's Day is mushy and boys are gross. Agreed, Helena. Agreed.
Despite this, she still agreed to take place in the photo shoot to wish you all a happy day. A few of the other animals cried foul and insisted she was just a fame whoring photo hog. The jury is still out on that, and a few animals are still in an uproar.
Either way, here is Helena with my hand made Valentine's Day card. The photo whore theory is starting to look more and more viable.
After being picked on about her photogenic ways, she decided she would go and lie down next to her grandma and pretend like words didn't hurt her. Aww, poor Helena.
Turns out it was all false humility. As soon as I went to take a picture of someone else, she was right there photobombing Greta's picture. Oh, Helena. No wonder the other kids think this of you.
After I shooed Helena away, I tried to take a picture of Greta with the card. The first time she ran. The second time, this was all the closer I got before she got that look on her face, telling me if I came any closer, she would not let me hug her tonight. This would make me very sad. I didn't come any closer.
I set the card down and tried to take a picture of just her, but she was on to me, remaining skeptical about this whole rigmarole.
I waited until she wiped that look off of her face and tried again. Alas, she was too smart for me.
To make up for being a silly puppy, I asked her to do something cute. She was quick to concede to this, giving her little sister, Paramore, a great big Valentine's Day kiss and declaring her, her Valentine! Aww!
And of course Helena's head had to be in on this.
After the girls expressed their Valentine love in photographs, it was time for Leo to share the love. The only problem was that Leo had gotten a toy from Cupid earlier in the day, as had the girls. The only difference was that Leo decided to make his toy, of which he calls Elfy, his Valentine. He refused to take a picture unless Elfy could be in it. *Sigh* Animals are such divas.
Leo was extremely passive about the entire situation. The card, not so much. Without any help from Leo itself, it decided to try and run away from all the love.
Eventually, the card found that the love was just too much for even it and disappeared, never to visit Leo and Elfy again. Leo and Elfy couldn't have cared less.
Paramore seemed like the next viable, I mean model, for this Valentine's post. At first she loved the heck out of that card.
Then she changed her mind. She already had a Valentine with Greta Hayley. She didn't need a card trying to love her up, too. She isn't a whore.
While Stitch was sleeping, I decided to sneak the love in there. He still doesn't realize he's been photographed, nor do I think he cares.
Jorja took four photos until we reached this one. It was pretty, so I took it and left her to go back to sleep. She's a large cat and I value my face.
Lila also slept through my sneaky photography. She'd still be sleeping if someone didn't try to sit on her. Here's looking at you, Leo.
Play and Booger were cute little Valentine brothers as they chose to snooze on. You'll be happy to know that Play has refused to move, while Booger has moved to the other side of the couch.
The rest of the animals decided that they would not be part of this photo shoot, and claimed that I was breaching their rights to privacy. Whatever. They're just lazy divas.
Also, as promised on Saturday, I am continuing my week of bare naked pictures. Have a happy Valentine's Day everyone, and remember, it's a scary world out there, so dodge all the candy hearts you can. In all seriousness, though, single or not, go out there, have some fun, and don't do anything that Phineas and Ferb wouldn't do. All right? And if that fails, there's always chocolate.
I started with Helena, but all she did was stare at me. Being the good human that I am, I thought it would be a rather dandy idea to explain to her just what Valentine's Day was. I told her it was a day when cute little friends walked hand in hand and gave each other huggles and kisses. This was her reaction.

Despite this, she still agreed to take place in the photo shoot to wish you all a happy day. A few of the other animals cried foul and insisted she was just a fame whoring photo hog. The jury is still out on that, and a few animals are still in an uproar.
Either way, here is Helena with my hand made Valentine's Day card. The photo whore theory is starting to look more and more viable.

And of course Helena's head had to be in on this.

The rest of the animals decided that they would not be part of this photo shoot, and claimed that I was breaching their rights to privacy. Whatever. They're just lazy divas.
Also, as promised on Saturday, I am continuing my week of bare naked pictures. Have a happy Valentine's Day everyone, and remember, it's a scary world out there, so dodge all the candy hearts you can. In all seriousness, though, single or not, go out there, have some fun, and don't do anything that Phineas and Ferb wouldn't do. All right? And if that fails, there's always chocolate.

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