
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Never Stop Believing In Santa, Even When You Know Better

All right, I'm sorry that I was a Scrooge earlier. I needed to publicly vent / warn others of this little Sprint deal that they aren't alerting people to. Have no fear, I watched the Leverage Christmas special, worked on some gifts, and I'm in the Christmas spirit again. And who knew Parker was such a Christmas nut, with the belief in Santa, the kind heart, and the insisting that Hardison, the hacker, figure out how to make it snow? Aww!

Let's talk about things that give us the warm and fuzzies, kind of like puppy dogs, lollipops and elves. Or just Elf. I don't know how many of you have seen this movie, but as ridiculous as it is, it is just as funny. If you want mindless entertainment mixed with a good Christmas story, I suggest watching this movie.

I also suggest avoiding the mall at this time of the year. Having worked there for two years, you would think I would know better, but I went yesterday with my mom. We were annoyed and ran over by a lot of people. But there were no screaming kids, which is the good part of the mall during Christmas. The kids are all afraid of not getting anything from Santa, and since Santa visits the mall every Christmas, they tend to act really, really good. It's the parents you have to worry about...then again, isn't it always?

Take Hallmark for example. The people who work there are all adults, but yet they still keep reminding me that I have twelve days until Christmas. It panics me, you guys. It totally panics me. I have so much to make. I don't want my mom and Aunt Bev to think there's not a Santa anymore! Don't tell me they already know that! Don't you do it!

How is everyone else's Christmas planning going? Any special wishes?

None of this is really warm and fuzzy, though. What is warm and fuzzy is the worse four letter word known to man; snow, but only when it's close enough to Christmas. We're supposed to get slammed with snow overnight. Of course, we were supposed to get slammed with snow last night and it didn't happen. Because we have nowhere we have to be, do or die, tomorrow, and because I'm looking forward to crafting by the window with snow, I think I would like to wake up to it tomorrow. Then I'll just pray that it doesn't continue until we're buried in for a week like we were at the beginning of this year.

What is also warm and fuzzy is that Greta loves the snow. She goes out and wanders around in it, and by the time she comes in she is a white little puppy dog. I always tell her that the snow is just the angels giving her kisses. She looks at me happily, but I know she doesn't understand me. That doesn't stop me from telling her.

When she was young, she was only four pounds. When it would snow even a little bit, she wasn't any taller than it, but she'd go out there, jump her way through the snow, do her business and come back. You could watch her, but you'd never know exactly where she was until she'd pop back up on the porch. Puppies and snow; now that just brings the warm and fuzzies.

Also, to my awesome girls of whom it may seem like I've forgotten, yet I haven't:

Vivi - Merry Christmas to you, my dear! I hope Santa, or those parents and friends who impersonate him, bring you everything you want.

Miss Zoe - Oh my gosh! You guys have gotten that much snow already? Some places here have. In fact, one place got so much snow that it brought down the Teflon roof of a sports complex. We haven't gotten enough to make a difference...yet. Do you guys not have the snow trucks to bail you out, and all the equipment? How do you feel about snow when it doesn't happen during Christmas?

I have to say, I miss working in the mall, because it brought the Christmas feeling. I do not love shopping during it at all. I think online shopping is a non festive, yet non stress inducing way to go.

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