I think all my readers on here are women. Just in case, I would like to take the time to warn any guys out there that this post is a girlie post. I don't talk about that time of the month or anything, but I talk about hair. So if you don't want to hear it, I don't blame you and am giving you an out now.
And now that the boys are gone, let's talk about sex. No, no, just kidding. That wouldn't be my field of expertise.
I really do want to talk about hair. Yawn, I know, but we're girls. We like that stuff. For those of you who know me, you know that I should have been born a red head. I know there are no flukes of nature when it comes to how we were created, but I think I was really intended to be a red head and like everything else about me, my hair rebelled. I haven't forgiven it yet. I probably never will.
I have red head envy. Let's take a moment to talk about the people I specifically envy. I'll use celebrities, because if I say something like, "I envy my friend Becky 1 and want to steal her hair," you would have no idea who I was talking about. Unless you are Becky 1. In which case, HI!
The first red headed celebrity I envy is Alison Sudol, otherwise known as A Fine Frenzy. Not only is her hair beautiful, she is, too. Plus, she's super classy and has very cheeky personality and some amazing music. She's quite the talent. You should check her out.
The second celeb with red hair that I love is Hayley Williams. How can you not love Hayley Williams, first of all. And second, her hair is practically an icon in itself. When people think of Hayley, they immediately think of her red hair. It's her trademark look. Some people don't know who she is by name, but if you tell them she's in the band Paramore, they immediately know her as the red haired girl. She's uber talented and completely awesome. I love her attitude and her style. I even own some of the same Skeleanimals shirts that she does. It's totally not on purpose, though. I bought my shirts before she was seen in them.
Last, but certainly not least, we have Ashlee Simpson-Wentz. I loved her with dark hair, I loved her as a blonde, but red hair seems to fit her. It brings out her skin tone and goes right along with her fiery personality. If you don't know who she is, try Jessica Simpson's sister or Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy's wife. I still can't believe those two got married, even though it's super cute, but that's not what this blog is about. It's about red hair. Her red hair. Isn't her red hair awesome?
So in the spirit of red hair, I shall regal you with a really stupid, somewhat pointless story. Hang in there, readers.
A few weeks ago I got a coupon for free hair dye with no purchase. I thought surely it was a joke or the stuff had to suck. Turns out it wasn't a joke and it was professional grade stuff from Sally Beauty Supply. Let's pretend like I never said this immediately after I do, but I am graying at twenty four. It started last year and a new piece of gray pops up here and there and thinks it's funny. It is, but it's not nice. My whole family grayed early. I've been dying to dye my hair, no pun intended, but as you all know, I'm completely broke with this whole not being allowed to work because my doctors said so thing. I took up the offer on free hair dye so I didn't have to look at the few pieces of gray anymore. They were annoying me.
Of course I picked red hair dye. Now, if it were up to me, I would have gone bright, loud, awesome red. Technically it was up to me, but I also knew I wouldn't have the money to dye it back to its natural color and I didn't want it to look like complete dog poo when it grew out. Therefore, I picked a color that matched my natural hair color, only added a red tone to it.
I finally got around to taking some pictures of it today. They're not great and I'm not wearing any makeup, so you know, ignore my face or something. No, just kidding. I'm totally comfortable without makeup. I barely wear it. I figure it this way, if I'm ugly, I'm ugly. Makeup isn't going to help. However, as soon as I have a day I am going to do some more professional pictures. Not only because my hair color has changed, but my hair has really grown out since I did the last set and I like to keep them current. Oh, and by professional, I totally mean get dolled up and set my camera on a timer. Yep, keeping it classy here, folks.
The first and second pictures represent my hair color the best. Pictures are tricky. The color in them never comes out quite the same as it looks in real life. And yes, I'm totally aware my pants don't match my shirt in the first picture. I'm pointing it out merely to ask you to ignore it. Don't you love cliches?
I decided to put my hair against a white shirt so you could see the true color.
This is my sassy red hair. Sassing it up apparently strips some of the red out of it because it makes it look thicker and more dense, but that's okay.
For the last picture I tried to cheaply recreate this pose. I didn't have the same jacket so I used red one. And I did it pretty damn cheaply. In retrospect, putting red hair against a red jacket really only makes your hair look brown, but I decided to show you how crappy it came out anyway. (She's far more classy than I am.) I think I'll try this pose again when I do the professional pictures and am not in a hurry to snap a few pictures to show all of you. I think I can do this pose justice if I have time and a better background.
Ahaha! My redo sucks. Anywho...
On a totally unrelated note, I would also like to extend my prayers and best wishes to Demi Lovato and her family. I think a lot of people are really going to say a lot of shit about her and it's unfair. She's eighteen. She's been with Disney for a few years now and is doing work that most adults can't handle. She's doing the best that she can. She realized she had some problems and she sought out help for them. Instead of criticizing her, people should be applauding her for rightfully getting the help she needs. I hope she makes a full recovery and comes back and shows everyone that she is strong enough to make it through anything.
I think people who admit their problems and successfully get help should be our role models. Not these false saviors who are on drugs, who act out and who generally don't care. But they have a persona that, for some reason, people fall in love with. Whatever they do is okay, but a girl admitting a problem is not. There's certain celebrities who give rehab a bad name, but for a lot of people it's a way to restart their lives. They go in willingly, wanting and are ready for the help and they succeed. Here's to Demi succeeding!
And now that the boys are gone, let's talk about sex. No, no, just kidding. That wouldn't be my field of expertise.
I really do want to talk about hair. Yawn, I know, but we're girls. We like that stuff. For those of you who know me, you know that I should have been born a red head. I know there are no flukes of nature when it comes to how we were created, but I think I was really intended to be a red head and like everything else about me, my hair rebelled. I haven't forgiven it yet. I probably never will.
I have red head envy. Let's take a moment to talk about the people I specifically envy. I'll use celebrities, because if I say something like, "I envy my friend Becky 1 and want to steal her hair," you would have no idea who I was talking about. Unless you are Becky 1. In which case, HI!
The first red headed celebrity I envy is Alison Sudol, otherwise known as A Fine Frenzy. Not only is her hair beautiful, she is, too. Plus, she's super classy and has very cheeky personality and some amazing music. She's quite the talent. You should check her out.

A few weeks ago I got a coupon for free hair dye with no purchase. I thought surely it was a joke or the stuff had to suck. Turns out it wasn't a joke and it was professional grade stuff from Sally Beauty Supply. Let's pretend like I never said this immediately after I do, but I am graying at twenty four. It started last year and a new piece of gray pops up here and there and thinks it's funny. It is, but it's not nice. My whole family grayed early. I've been dying to dye my hair, no pun intended, but as you all know, I'm completely broke with this whole not being allowed to work because my doctors said so thing. I took up the offer on free hair dye so I didn't have to look at the few pieces of gray anymore. They were annoying me.
Of course I picked red hair dye. Now, if it were up to me, I would have gone bright, loud, awesome red. Technically it was up to me, but I also knew I wouldn't have the money to dye it back to its natural color and I didn't want it to look like complete dog poo when it grew out. Therefore, I picked a color that matched my natural hair color, only added a red tone to it.
I finally got around to taking some pictures of it today. They're not great and I'm not wearing any makeup, so you know, ignore my face or something. No, just kidding. I'm totally comfortable without makeup. I barely wear it. I figure it this way, if I'm ugly, I'm ugly. Makeup isn't going to help. However, as soon as I have a day I am going to do some more professional pictures. Not only because my hair color has changed, but my hair has really grown out since I did the last set and I like to keep them current. Oh, and by professional, I totally mean get dolled up and set my camera on a timer. Yep, keeping it classy here, folks.
The first and second pictures represent my hair color the best. Pictures are tricky. The color in them never comes out quite the same as it looks in real life. And yes, I'm totally aware my pants don't match my shirt in the first picture. I'm pointing it out merely to ask you to ignore it. Don't you love cliches?

I think people who admit their problems and successfully get help should be our role models. Not these false saviors who are on drugs, who act out and who generally don't care. But they have a persona that, for some reason, people fall in love with. Whatever they do is okay, but a girl admitting a problem is not. There's certain celebrities who give rehab a bad name, but for a lot of people it's a way to restart their lives. They go in willingly, wanting and are ready for the help and they succeed. Here's to Demi succeeding!
1 comment:
I love Ashlee Simpson with red hair; it's gorgeous! I've always wanted hair that colour, but I highly doubt it would ever happen--it is done professionally, after all! Though Hayley Williams changes her hair far too much for me to actually get used to it!
Your hair's amazing, by the way!
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