I'm going to start out this blog by stealing a line from Josh Gates. "I've seen some unexplainable things, and I've done some things I can't quite explain."
As promised, I am going to tell some real life ghost stories since Halloween is coming up. I know that some of you do not believe in such things, and I respect that. As such, I will always warn you at the beginning of the blog so you can flee happily without having your beliefs trampled on.
With that being said, let's get some mood lighting going, shall we?

I have been plagued by paranormal experiences my whole life. I've had so many things happen to me, in fact, that I can't remember most of them. It's become old hat. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that the dead can quite literally be anywhere. It has nothing to do with the building that's there now, yet with the land the building is on. The land holds the history and the key to the past. Sometimes that past, unfortunately, is gruesome.
A few months back a friend of mine was looking to buy a house and contacted my mom. She had found a house she was interested in, but the house was not appraising for what it was being sold for, meaning she couldn't get the loan for it. It was a For Sale By Owner house and she sent my mom to do some research on the property and do a Realtor comparison value to try to figure out what was going on. Part of doing that is physically going to the house, so she packed me in the car one day and we both went.
As we drove, we ended up virtually in the middle of nowhere, taking us on a one lane back road with decrepit houses. We got lost about four times, and didn't even know the place we were at existed. The failure to appraise was becoming more and more obvious. Then the kicker came. We turned down a stone driveway, passed an old farm house that was nearly falling over, with people crawling around outside, dirty and homeless looking. We stopped to ask them if we had gone the wrong way, and they were fantastic people. It was obvious you couldn't ask for better neighbors, but the property value isn't appraised by the personality of the people, but by the looks of the surroundings.
We were going the right way, and continued a quarter mile past the house and came to the place she was interested in. It was gorgeous and completely private. The land sat atop a hill with no houses in the peripheral vision, except for those that could be looked out upon from atop the hill. The house was fully remodeled. The place would have been worth what they were asking, except for the little issue of location, location, location. The area it was in was not a bad area, but a remote area, lowering the property value to about half of the asking price. It was no wonder it wasn't appraising. Only, no matter how heavenly the house and land seemed, I wouldn't have given you a dollar for the place.
We hadn't gotten but fifty yards past the house with the fantastic neighbors when I knew something was wrong. I could feel it. As we got closer to the piece of land we were heading toward, I started to see blood. When we settled onto the land, it didn't take me long to ask my mom to get out of there and fast. Please keep in mind that I do not scare easily, and in this case that was also true. It wasn't fear that was taking over, but the gruesome sight in front of me.
I saw a woman and four children, all young and all looking like they got in a fight with an ax and lost. There was screaming and crying. It was pure panic. A massacre had taken place there. I couldn't get the images out of my head for weeks. I knew what I saw, as I saw it as clearly as I see what I am writing here. The pain, the fear and the panic surrounding the land were sickening. I could also feel a sixth person, but not see them.
I couldn't take the sight. It was obvious how badly they wanted help and wanted someone to notice them, but many were missing limbs and were bleeding about. I had never dealt with that much gore and I was terrified by what I was seeing. I just wanted to stop seeing it, so we left.
I decided to research the land, as I knew nothing about the area, to see if what I saw could be confirmed. I like to be able to have proof for what I am seeing, as I am, in myself, a natural born skeptic. Funny, right?
Upon some research on the land I uncovered something uncanny. In the late 1800's the town we were in was a mining town. The property the house was sitting on was part of a farm. The old, decrepit farmhouse with the awesome neighbors was once the main farmhouse for that land. The barn sat where the house my friend was looking at is today. Later, the land was sold in particles, but that's not important right now.
Some of the mines were forced to close as the turn of the century drew more near. A lot of miners were out of work. There was a lot of panic and a lot of sorrow. But on one night, one miner could take no more. He literally went crazy in more ways than one. Fear took over and began to believe he couldn't care for his family, so he picked up his ax and went after his wife and four children. As soon as the terror was apparent the family instantly ran, taking off for the barn in hopes of escaping the crazed man, a once loving husband and father. The man didn't catch up with them until they were near the barn, slaughtering them around and inside of the barn. The scene was a bloody mess of death and destruction, and when the miner woke up in the morning and realized what he had done, he took his own life. He was the sixth person I felt, but did not see.
Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
Mostly all my stories are not gory, but are sad. Some are unexplainable. As I said, this was the first time I had dealt with such mass destruction and blood. This is also the only time. The next stories will deal with more interaction with the spirit and the like. Most of my stories have much more interaction than this one, and are unmistakable. They don't deal with what I've seen, but also experiences that I've had. In several cases, these are not experiences I've had alone. I have some great, all true stories to tell.
As promised, I am going to tell some real life ghost stories since Halloween is coming up. I know that some of you do not believe in such things, and I respect that. As such, I will always warn you at the beginning of the blog so you can flee happily without having your beliefs trampled on.
With that being said, let's get some mood lighting going, shall we?
I have been plagued by paranormal experiences my whole life. I've had so many things happen to me, in fact, that I can't remember most of them. It's become old hat. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that the dead can quite literally be anywhere. It has nothing to do with the building that's there now, yet with the land the building is on. The land holds the history and the key to the past. Sometimes that past, unfortunately, is gruesome.
A few months back a friend of mine was looking to buy a house and contacted my mom. She had found a house she was interested in, but the house was not appraising for what it was being sold for, meaning she couldn't get the loan for it. It was a For Sale By Owner house and she sent my mom to do some research on the property and do a Realtor comparison value to try to figure out what was going on. Part of doing that is physically going to the house, so she packed me in the car one day and we both went.
As we drove, we ended up virtually in the middle of nowhere, taking us on a one lane back road with decrepit houses. We got lost about four times, and didn't even know the place we were at existed. The failure to appraise was becoming more and more obvious. Then the kicker came. We turned down a stone driveway, passed an old farm house that was nearly falling over, with people crawling around outside, dirty and homeless looking. We stopped to ask them if we had gone the wrong way, and they were fantastic people. It was obvious you couldn't ask for better neighbors, but the property value isn't appraised by the personality of the people, but by the looks of the surroundings.
We were going the right way, and continued a quarter mile past the house and came to the place she was interested in. It was gorgeous and completely private. The land sat atop a hill with no houses in the peripheral vision, except for those that could be looked out upon from atop the hill. The house was fully remodeled. The place would have been worth what they were asking, except for the little issue of location, location, location. The area it was in was not a bad area, but a remote area, lowering the property value to about half of the asking price. It was no wonder it wasn't appraising. Only, no matter how heavenly the house and land seemed, I wouldn't have given you a dollar for the place.
We hadn't gotten but fifty yards past the house with the fantastic neighbors when I knew something was wrong. I could feel it. As we got closer to the piece of land we were heading toward, I started to see blood. When we settled onto the land, it didn't take me long to ask my mom to get out of there and fast. Please keep in mind that I do not scare easily, and in this case that was also true. It wasn't fear that was taking over, but the gruesome sight in front of me.
I saw a woman and four children, all young and all looking like they got in a fight with an ax and lost. There was screaming and crying. It was pure panic. A massacre had taken place there. I couldn't get the images out of my head for weeks. I knew what I saw, as I saw it as clearly as I see what I am writing here. The pain, the fear and the panic surrounding the land were sickening. I could also feel a sixth person, but not see them.
I couldn't take the sight. It was obvious how badly they wanted help and wanted someone to notice them, but many were missing limbs and were bleeding about. I had never dealt with that much gore and I was terrified by what I was seeing. I just wanted to stop seeing it, so we left.
I decided to research the land, as I knew nothing about the area, to see if what I saw could be confirmed. I like to be able to have proof for what I am seeing, as I am, in myself, a natural born skeptic. Funny, right?
Upon some research on the land I uncovered something uncanny. In the late 1800's the town we were in was a mining town. The property the house was sitting on was part of a farm. The old, decrepit farmhouse with the awesome neighbors was once the main farmhouse for that land. The barn sat where the house my friend was looking at is today. Later, the land was sold in particles, but that's not important right now.
Some of the mines were forced to close as the turn of the century drew more near. A lot of miners were out of work. There was a lot of panic and a lot of sorrow. But on one night, one miner could take no more. He literally went crazy in more ways than one. Fear took over and began to believe he couldn't care for his family, so he picked up his ax and went after his wife and four children. As soon as the terror was apparent the family instantly ran, taking off for the barn in hopes of escaping the crazed man, a once loving husband and father. The man didn't catch up with them until they were near the barn, slaughtering them around and inside of the barn. The scene was a bloody mess of death and destruction, and when the miner woke up in the morning and realized what he had done, he took his own life. He was the sixth person I felt, but did not see.
Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
Mostly all my stories are not gory, but are sad. Some are unexplainable. As I said, this was the first time I had dealt with such mass destruction and blood. This is also the only time. The next stories will deal with more interaction with the spirit and the like. Most of my stories have much more interaction than this one, and are unmistakable. They don't deal with what I've seen, but also experiences that I've had. In several cases, these are not experiences I've had alone. I have some great, all true stories to tell.
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