
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Alice White Made A Friend

*Hands Up* I admit it. I'm guilty. It was all my fault.

I didn't post the next two parts of iGo For A Walk yet. But...but I can't explain!

I have been super busy the past few days, and/or not home very much. I will get into that in a minute, but I want to assure you that as soon as I have time to sit down and load all the pictures for the next segment into the blog, I will add part two of iGo For A Walk. Loading pictures on Blogger takes forever, which is why I haven't gotten around to posting that yet.

This would be a good place for me to add that part of me being busy when I am home may or may not have to do with my new guilty pleasure, Leverage. I can not get enough of it. The show, the characters, the cast, the perfect. It's truly the case of the right people for the right parts, and don't get me started on how funny Hardison is, and how Eliot is unintentionally funny because he's the shortest of the group, but largely built, and then he's all tough and what not and the things he says end up being funny when he's not trying to be funny at all. Here, I shall share one of my favorite moments with you all.

For those of you who have not seen the show, there's a character named Parker. She is socially inept and only knows how to get by, by thievery and being extremely blunt and scaring people. It is basically an unspoken rule that Eliot, who is referred to as The Hitter, because he beats everyone up, is to keep an eye on her because she often goes outside the team and tries to do things her own way. This ended up in her almost decapitating Eliot, therefore, when one of her identities got called in for jury duty, she was forced to go as punishment, instead of allowing Hardison to hack the system and get her out of it, which is what would normally be done.

The whole time she was on jury duty, she couldn't grasp the fact that she and her other identity, Alice White, were the same person. Let me explain quickly that the other identity was made for her by Hardison, who is a hacker, to keep their Robin Hood like lives under the radar. All of the members of the team have alternate identities, and this was the first time anyone had to use one.

After each day of jury duty, Parker would proceed to tell the team what Alice did that day. Eliot keeps Parker in check, so he explained to her about a half a dozen times that she and Alice were the same person, but for some reason she could not grasp that. Eliot and Sophie even attempted to give her lessons on how to be a nice, gentle, caring, friendly human being, but she couldn't grasp it until they told her to make Alice be a nice, gentle, caring, friendly human being. Then it made sense and she was able to do it.

At the end, while sitting around the table, she gets a text. Her exact response is: "One of the jurors wants to meet Alice for coffee! Alice made a friend!" She was genuinely excited for Alice.

Eliot, who was sitting next to her, turned around in his chair and very seriously, and in the nicest tone possible, which wasn't easy for him since he's used to beating people up and not having to explain things gently, responded with: "One more time, YOU made a friend, NOT ALICE!"

It took Parker a few seconds, but she smiled and went: "Aww, Alice made a friend." Eliot turned around and just shook his head. She honest to goodness did not get that she and Alice were the same person. Gosh, I love this show!

If you haven't seen it, here is a scene featuring Hardison and Eliot that captures the exact essence of the entire show in just over two minutes. "Well, somebody's gotta fight the injured. Shoot, that's my niche." If you see this clip and you still don't want to watch the show...I just...I can't compute that. I'm sorry.

Also, tomorrow I am going back out with Aunt Bev to look for a car, therefore, I will soon have a story about that. I mean, I know I'm foreshadowing and taking a guess, but it's Aunt Bev, and my mom will be there for awhile, too. There's no way there's not going to be a story. I still have a story to type up about the last time I went to look at cars with Aunt Bev. Gees, this whole Aunt Bev needs a new car thing is becoming a saga. A word journey, if you will. Nope, can't get enough of that link.

Anywho, regarding the whole being busy and attempting to have a life thing; I shall start by telling you that my mom's computer passed away. This was a real shock considering the computer she was using had died once before, prompting us to get a new computer, and when that one finally died, we dragged the first one back out and I rigged it to work, but it barely worked. Truth be told, the thing was seven to ten years old, so it deserved to take a dirt nap by now.

Now, for those of you that have been here at Ruby Red Hearts for awhile, you know my mom is technology inept, which immediately meant that I was going to have to go computer shopping with her. And by with her, I mean I was going to have to go and she was going to just kind of follow me around and ask me to make a decision for her. She wanted a Mac, and that would have been easy because there's only one company that makes Macs, but she had to get a PC because some of her work programs don't work with Mac. It's all very confusing, but one day supposedly soon, which obviously means three years from now, they're supposed to make their programs work with Mac, so she ended up with a refurbed PC.

Does anyone else think of a Furby when they see the word refurbed? That's just me again, isn't it?

On an ADHD inspired, random side note, who would want to have an affair with Al Gore? I mean...eugh! No offense Al Gore, but eugh!

Let's just go back to the story and pretend like the last two paragraphs didn't happen, okay? I'm willing to if you are, too.

We purchased the computer from a local store that I had been to a few times in the last couple of months. I've never needed to go to a computer store until recently, and somehow keep ending up back there. I'm okay with this, because the one guy who works there is good to look at. Hey, I'm a single lady, sue me for looking! I've admired him for awhile, and although I am normally a chicken-shit, I talk nerd with him. I'm not a chicken-shit when I'm talking nerd. I feel like Spencer Reid ala this conversation:

Morgan: "When you're talking, what makes you feel like an expert?"
Reid: "Statistics."
Morgan: "NO!"

Yesterday, while my mom was in spitting distance, hot computer guy and myself got to talking. We had quite a nice talk, then we bought a computer and left. When we got in the car, I was informed that hot computer guy basically asked me out. Did I realize it? No, no I did not. Would I have realized it if my mom hadn't told me? Never. At twenty-four, this is what I'm working with. I really don't wonder why I don't date.

Maybe I should find a reason to go back there and chat him up? I'm probably too chicken-shit, but the idea is lovely.

After computer shopping, my mom ran to work, then came back and I went to see my friends in concert. They are awesome and you should all check them out. I used to be in a band with three of them, and I love them all dearly, mostly because every single one of them are great guys. Also, STOP GROWING UP ALREADY, GUYS! Gees, I've known three of you for four years, when you were all in your teens and now you've all GRADUATED and are GROWING UP! Stop it! Seriously! Just stop! I expressed this to one of the member's moms and she agreed. I officially think like a mom. Awesome.

I would also like to add that last night was easily the weirdest night of my life. Let me not even get into how or why, but I am apparently really shy and felt really old at their concert. Awesome again. Plus, other age related strange things happened and it was just all kinds of weird. I like weird, though. It kind of follows me around like a cute little puppy dog on a spring day. You get used to it after awhile.

I would also like to take a moment to have some girl talk, since I think most of my readers are girls. That's a lie, I think all of you are girls, so if you are a boy and you're reading this, please set me straight. I will even tell you that I'll stop talking about gross girl stuff just to make you feel better, even though that's a total fib. However, if I find out guys are reading this, I will warn you before I say something girlie so you can cover your eyes.

You know how everyone always asks you what your physical "type" is when it comes to a guy? I don't know about you, but I've really never had an answer to that. There's plenty of different kinds of guys that I like, from all cultures. It's not so much about the looks of the guy as the personality. Recently, however, I found that there's a certain kind of guy who makes me melt. I found this out by watching TV, naturally, because there's not a lot of variety around here. I also found out that I need to move, but I digress.

Clearly, I am developing a pattern of liking those sexy, southern, Texan men. Specifically the Texan men in their thirties, but Texan men are just so gentleman-like and manly. Plus, they love them some ponies. I love me my ponies. I'm done loving me things, but seriously, here are a few examples.

Jared Padalecki - Not in his thirties, but close.
Jensen Ackles - In his thirties.
Christian Kane - Also in his thirties.

Ah, Texan men. Excuse me while I finish packing my stuff, swing by and pick up Becky, and move there.

I also like tall men. Maybe it's because they can reach the top shelf of the kitchen cabinets and I still have to crawl on them like a child to get to that top shelf, but I do.

I was going to end the blog here, but something happened as I went to hit post that I must share. My cat, Stitch, named after the Disney character for so many reason, was sleeping on the dog bed. Listen, he's every cliche and he loves it. All of a sudden he started twitching in his sleep and then promptly woke up hissing, and jumped from his position on his back, to his front legs and attacked. It took him a few seconds to realize he was attacking the air. He's still standing there completely befuddled about what happened.

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