For today, I have a bunch of random stuff to talk about that doesn't really go together, so bear with me. The lucky penny that defied all odds, I got it. A mentally incorrect Craigslist buyer, I got that, too. Good Burger, we're so going there. Are you ready?
I've never picked up a penny off the ground and had good luck before. However, I continued to pick up pennies over and over again just because I liked the thought of having a lucky penny more than I believed in its power. A few days ago, while walking in to Target, one of those pennies proved me wrong. The funny thing about this is, as soon as I bent down to pick it up, I made the comment about how they never work and I always waste my thirty seconds bending down, and then trying to get back up again. Hey, with my health issues, getting back up is hard. I may as well be a ninety year old lady. My gram and I, we had a lot in common.
While at Target, I was shopping for a lamp. I recently got a bed that moves so I can sit up and sleep, instead of sleeping on the couch for three more years. One thing I learned very quickly is that, when you're completely clumsy and could hurt yourself in a padded room with nothing else in it, it's important to have a light close to your bed when your light switch is five feet away. Unless you want to die. Then I would suggest not getting a light. I didn't want to die, though.
I also didn't want to have to spend an arm, leg and kidney for a lamp, as I had other things I needed, too, so I was taking my time looking through them. There were all these larger lamps for sale, just the lamps. The shelf above contained the lampshades. They were not put together and they were super expensive and out of my price range. Then, I found this adorable little lamp of my dreams.
There were several lamps in a row, all of them with the lampshades already on them, and they were decently priced, so I picked one out and took it to the register. When the guy scanned them, I learned that the lamp and the shade were not together. They were sold separately, even though there was nothing indicating that at the display. I was a little sad. This was the perfect lamp. Not only did it do all the things that lamps should, like, you know, light up, but it was cute, too.
Target made it a point to put the shades on all of these little lamps, and then turn them around so the sku was facing backwards, and there was no separate price on them. There was a price for the lamp, but the shades only had a sku you couldn't see with no price tag for it anywhere, leaving you to believe they were together. Especially because all the other lamps were separate from the lampshades. These were not, and the price tag to just the lamp was in full view, where there wasn't one anywhere for the lampshades.
The guy at the register admitted this was done on purpose and this happens all the time with these lamps because of that. I told him that was okay, that it was my fault that I didn't read the price tag better / turn it around and see if there was a sku on the lamp, and that I just couldn't afford it for that price. He then said, "let me do something and see if I can make it all right with you." This was Target, not a yard sale, so I told him that it was really okay, it was my own fault and I wasn't going to yell at him about it. He just worked there and couldn't control Target trickery. He followed with, "that's why I'm doing this, because you're being so nice about it." He then told my mom that she did a good job with me. I ended up getting that sucker for pretty much the same price I thought it was because of this awesome guy.
He is my new favorite person in the whole wide world, I would shop there again and again because of him, and I also would like to thank that penny for actually being lucky. If I've learned anything, it's that you may pick up a thousand pennies in your life, and if you're lucky one out of those thousand will bring you luck, but it's a no lose because you'll still be a thousand pennies richer. The moral of the story: Always pick up a penny. That penny, however, will most likely not protect you from people on Craigslist. It will not make them smarter, any less crazy, or any more polite. This is disappointing.
In my last post, I mentioned that I had gotten an email from, and I quote, " a girl who is genuinely interested in my furniture and wants to come see it tomorrow." I also went on to say, and again I quote, "I liked her because she knew how to use punctuation, form a sentence, and spell." I had high hopes for her.
People, I was seriously wrong about her. And no, she didn't show up, but we're getting to that. First, I would like to start by sharing that email that made me gloat about this woman, and we'll go from there. I realize I was way too nice about her sentence forming and what not, but it made sense, which is more than most peoples' emails do. Her name and phone number have been edited out to protect the...uh, I do it because I just don't feel right about putting someone's name and phone number out there. I wouldn't want someone doing it to me, even if I was an odd little jerk.
I am interested in coming to look at the Beautiful Bedroom suit you have. Can you e-mail me Pictures of the Vanity and does it have a Bench /Chair with it?
I am sorry to be e-mailing you late but i just saw your ad. I am free tomorrow if someone will be avail. to shoe it. If I Buy it I will not be taking it with me until an evening or over the weekend as I have a friend with a truck that will pick it up for me.
Please call me to set up a Day/Time if tomorrow does not suit you.
Thank You,
I emailed her back immediately, within ten minutes of her emailing me, with the pictures she requested. I never heard back from her. This is where I'd like to point out two different places in this email. One is that she asked me to email her pictures. Two was that I was to call her if tomorrow didn't work for me. Since it did and she wanted pictures emailed to her, I only emailed her. I didn't call her. I didn't see a reason to. I thought if I called her and I emailed her, because, again, I had to email her the pictures anyway, that she would be one of those people that I've unfortunately dealt with before who get mad and feel like you're not listening to their email and bugging them by both emailing and calling. Maybe I read too much into this. Either way, three days went by of me not hearing from her, which isn't unusual on Craigslist. I just figured she moved on and changed her mind. Then, yesterday at 4:49am, when I was fast asleep, this came in.
I e-mailed you the other day and waited for you to call. I didn't realize you had e-mailed me. I am sorry. I have a Dentist appt. at the Mall at noon today. I would like to see the furniture if I could. Probably after I am done. I won't be able to talk because I will still be numb, as I had 3 teeth done last evening. So they have to do the rest today. Please let me know if I will be able to come or if that doesn't work for you. I am giving you my New Cell # to call me on. I will be leaving around 8:30am so I won't get any of my e-mails until I get home.After today I am not sure when I will be coming to Greensburg next.
You waited for me to call? I waited for you to email me! And show up! OR SOMETHING!
Let me just start by saying how much I love that she starts out by passively aggressively blaming me for not calling her. Bitch, I waited all day for you to contact me. I am not your babysitter. I am not supposed to email and call you just to see if you're coming out to see my furniture. Again, maybe I should have just called her, but when she asked me to email her pictures and to call if I couldn't do it tomorrow, it was logical of me to think she would check her email to see if I got back to her, or see her pictures. Besides, why am I sending her pictures if she's not going to check her email to see them and just come out and see the furniture, meaning she wouldn't have needed the pictures anyway? That would be a stupid waste of time. But I digress. It gets better.
Second, she has an appointment at the mall. What mall? As you all know, malls are littered everywhere here in America. This cleared up nothing for me. I assumed she was going to the mall closest to where I live, however, there's not a dentist there. There's one near there, but not actually in the same complex, or in the same parking lot, or on the same side of the road, or anything like that, at that mall. So I really didn't know. I just assumed. However, this probably isn't important to anything. I was just annoyed and nitpicking.
This is the second time this lady has contacted me at the last minute and wanted to come see the furniture right away, which is a little annoying, but fine. I understand people are people and they're going to do that when you're selling an item. And you have to deal with it if you want to sell that item. I obviously didn't get the email and call her at 4:50am, but as soon as I got it I called her. I got her voice mail and figured she was just in the dentist chair, so I left a message with my number telling her to give me a call when she was ready and come on over. I'd give her directions then. I was afraid if I just gave her directions, she'd just show up and I didn't want that. I thought that was reasonable.
This will be important now, after you realize she told me to call, but that she wouldn't be able to talk. Does that make zero sense to anyone but me? She didn't know where I lived. I had to give her directions. What if she got lost? How was I supposed to hear her confusion through the silence? And how were we supposed to talk furniture if she couldn't talk? This is probably useless to express, but she hasn't called me back yet, and that was yesterday. And I was pissed, because this is the second time I've gotten back to her as soon as I got her email and she didn't get back to me. I'm going to wait a few days and see if this somehow becomes my fault again. This time she'll probably tell me I should have emailed her, even though at the bottom of the email she said if I do she wouldn't get it until she was already home, and by that time it was basically too late, because she didn't know when she'd be coming this way again.
And let's talk about that little tidbit of info, shall we. I know where she's from due to the exchange on her home phone number. She lives twenty minutes from here. I mean, it's obvious that she didn't live that far for two reasons. One is that she wouldn't drive a long way to go to the dentist. She would just find a closer dentist if he was really that far away. There's dentists everywhere. It wouldn't be that hard to do. And she wouldn't be willing to come here, look at the furniture, and then come back down with someone if she lived that far away, via her suggestion in the first email. She would just wait and come down with someone who could haul it the first time, just in case she decided to take it, so she wouldn't have to make that long, grueling trip again.
I also love that she got a new cell phone number. The number she gave me in her last email was her cell phone number. How did she know I didn't try to call her and she had her number changed so I couldn't get a hold of her? In her defense, she did give me her home number, too, but I just thought that was extra special.
People honestly just baffle me. They baffle me. They leave me cranky and speechless when the crank wears off. This lady now has me wondering if I should email her, too. I half expect if I don't, she'll call me back and say she's been waiting for my email. *Heads desk* I'm waiting for it. I thought about also emailing her, but we have the theory that, if I do that she's going to think I'm getting desperate about the furniture and is possibly acting this way to try to get me desperate to sell so that I will give it to her cheaper. It's happened before. The thing is, when you start this crap, I just become totally unwilling to haggle with you.
I kind of regret giving her my phone number, which is something I don't do unless I already have an appointment with someone, just in case they get lost. I have a rule about that, because I've learned my lesson from having other things on Craiglist. This was a total bitch thing of me to do, and I know it was, but I made sure to put all her numbers in my phone as "Crazy Craigslist Bitch." Wrong, I know, but I couldn't resist. I'd never be rude to her, so this is my silent little way of keeping myself from losing my shit on her for wasting two days waiting for her. And the thing is, if she contacts me again, do I even bother to try with her, or do I just ignore her knowing her past indicates she's never going to show up and the joke is probably on me? I feel like I'm playing Devil's Advocate with some lady just to sell my furniture. Trust me, if I didn't need the money from the furniture sell to buy new furniture, I'd give it to someone who needed it and go on my merry way.
I'm done complaining about Craigslist people for this post, I promise. Let's talk about Good Burger. Some of you may have no idea what Good Burger is, because it was really more of a my generation kind of thing. Back in the day, there was a show on Nickelodeon called All That. I'm not talking about the newer version, but the original one with Kenan, Kel and Amanda Bynes. At my age, that show was all that. It was the show everyone watched and talked about in school. It was the bomb. From All That spawned a show with two of the show's stars called Kenan and Kel. It starred Kenan and Kel. Could you have guessed? From that show came Good Burger, also starring Kenan and Kel. Intriguing, I know.
In Good Burger, Kel played Ed, the dim cashier at Good Burger who understood nothing and couldn't even get an order correct. Kenan played Dexter, the completely intelligent kid who accidentally hit his teacher's car and, in order to pay back the damage, had to get a job and ended up at Good Burger. The basic plot is that a new burger joint is moving in across the street and attempting to shut Good Burger down. Kenan and Kel find out that this burger joint is actually using all these illegal hormones in their burgers to make them bigger, so they set up a plan to take the place down.
Not to give away too much of the ending, but Ed saves the day. That's right, I said Ed, not Dexter. And with Ed doing scenes like this and spitting out lines like this (you have to wait for him to come up at end scene), it's amazing. But the golden part of this movie, the one that makes the whole thing worth watching, and one big, ironic pile of fun at the end, is that, when Dexter finds out Ed saved the day, he says to him, "you figured that out all by yourself?" Ed looks at him and very seriously says, "Yeah, I'm not stupid." And that, my friends, is the one line that makes the entire movie.