What’s also been on my mind all week is that I had to help someone figure out where they wanted to put their artwork in their house, and that I am still sneezing out really gross stuff from my surgery, and it’s making me all kinds of dizzy and what not. Therefore, I have not taken a picture, and quite frankly I don’t feel like making myself look cute to do so, but I promise that I will do it soon and share.
What am I going to share today is a little piece of my heart. As most of you know I am an aspiring musician. A singer and a songwriter. Maybe I don’t have the record deal and am not the most “successful” person out there, but I love what I do and it’s not just a hobby, it’s part of me. So, when I found this little survey online the other night, I thought I would share. I figured this would give you all a chance to get to know me even better and see inside my heart, even though I feel that I am fairly open on this blog anyway.
I’m one of those people who is so committed to my writing and my music, that I don’t have a lot else to give to any one person. I kind of only let them in to a certain extent so that I still have something to write about or sing about, but I know I’m doing that backwards. I need to let people in, more people, better people, but I am still learning.
So the way I see it, sharing this with you is sharing a very open hearted piece of me.
This survey makes me put a soundtrack to my life for different events, different things that happen, different times of the day, etc. So this is who I am, inside out. This is not only what I’m listening to, but what I’m living. I will explain each song and why I feel it fits me in this way. I wasn’t going to at first, but then I realized that I see the world much differently than most people, so the songs I might put for falling in love, or for an average day, people would find would work for the opposite. My psych is a little different, and I think in the spirit of being open, it’s important that you know where I’m coming from.
Also, these are some of my favorite songs, ones that hit me right in the gut, make me laugh, cry, and could change my whole day just by hearing a piece of it. Sometimes I listen to lyrics and imagine them with a different musical arrangement, because it almost seems as if the feeling of the music does not fit the beauty of the lyrics.
All these songs reflect where I am in life now, not where I have been in life or where I will be, so one day this will all change, and six months ago they would have been very different. Maybe I should do this once a year...just to see the change? We’ll see. I may have also used some of these songs on the blog before, but that’s okay. Repeating songs for this reason will always be okay in my book.
Enjoy and hopefully get a chance to fall in love with a new amazing song.
Opening Credits: Magic - Pilot
This song charms me, for the lack of a better word. I always felt like there was this random amount of magic in my life, because I always have the weirdest things happen to me, and the most ridiculous people come into my life. Even when things get bad, something soon comes along that is so funny, so lucky, and so special that it could only be magic. It turns it all around. I feel like every day is a brand new day, and I had never seen a day before it. Music is my life, I am a chronic daydreamer, and there are some people that make me feel brand new. There was no other song that could be my opening credits but this one.
Also, for those of you interested in the recent Selena Gomez remake, go here.
Waking Up: Good Girls Go Bad - Cobra Starship
I keep waking up with this song stuck in my head, even if I haven’t listened to it recently. It won this spot by default. Take it up with Gabe.
Average Day: Devil Town - Tony Lucca
Okay, okay, I know any of you listening to this song are like, “Amy, how in the hell is this a song for an average day?” Well, you don’t live in my town. (Unless you do, then you know me and you get this already.) The town I live in is so boring that it does, in fact, feel like a devil town. People are generally very snippy, and others act very much like they’re out for blood, hence why the vampire lines fit. This probably wouldn’t fit if I lived elsewhere, but living here this song just begged to be inserted.
First Date: Take Me As I Am - Sugarland
My life is absolutely nothing like Maggie Duran’s is in this song, but I am downright up front about dating someone who understands who I am and can accept that. That is the big, number one thing in my life. If you can not, I do not want to be associated with you. So right off the bat, you need to learn to take me as I am.
Falling In Love: Catch Me - Demi Lovato
I don’t think this one needs explained. It is literally about falling in love. If you listen to the lyrics, it speaks for itself.
Love Scene: She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5
Every girl wants to feel like the only girl and the most loved girl in the world while being intimate with someone. Every girl wants to hear these words come out of their guy’s mouth, to let them know they will be loved while they are showing them physically how much they love them.
Fight Scene: So What - Pink
This is a totally fuck you kind of song, and when you’re fighting with someone, you just want to tell them where to stick it. Besides, she even wants to start a fight in this song. It’s perfect other than the whole “I’m still a rock star,” but if you have confidence in yourself, you will feel like a rock star for standing up for yourself, which makes it all totally worth it. If you me, you totally saw this one coming.
Breaking Up: Best Days of Your Life - Kellie Pickler feat. Taylor Swift
Okay, look, I somehow have the worst taste in men and end up with losers with dead end jobs and bad personalities. It's like I have a radar with a magnet attached. I'm totally done with that phase and have decided to avoid dating altogether just to prove it. The thing is, though, with the grade of losers that flock to me, I know there's not going to be another girl out there that will be as nice to these guys as I was, because I was stupid and too nice when they did not deserve it. If they think I suck, they are in for a rude awakening. I was not sad to see them go.
Getting Back Together: Chemicals React - Aly and AJ
I have never liked my exes enough to get back together with them, so I’m surmising on this one. Go with me, here. I think some kind of chemicals have to react to light a new spark on an old relationship. Sometimes that sparks burns out, but there is definitely burning when you go back to an old love. Whether it lasts or not is up to the people involved.
Secret Love: Conspiracy - Paramore
I picked this song for two reasons. First, the band name Paramore is a play on the French word Paramour, which directly means secret love, so immediately I knew I had to go with one of their songs for this. Second, this song is ultimately about hiding a love because if everyone finds out, they will tear you apart. Cute and perfect, no?
Life’s Okay: Where You Lead - Carol King
I can’t really explain this one. I haven’t had anyone in my life who has made me want to follow them everywhere just to be near them, but every time I hear this song things are more than okay.
Mental Breakdown: Leave Out All the Rest - Linkin Park
I think when you get to a certain point where you are just so broken down, you can’t get away from that. It gets in your head and your dreams, and it makes you wonder what you did wrong, when you know all along. This song is such a visual song and it reminds me of several really great shows and movies, and the poignant scenes that were amongst them. It’s like a visual journey, as opposed to Falker Satherhood, which is a word journey.
Driving: Call Me - Blondie
Seriously, this is one of those songs you can totally rock out to in your car in mass amounts and scare the heck out of the people in the cars next to you because you’re so wild that they think you’re having a seizure. It’s also one of those songs you can listen to in the car and no one else has to know that you were listening to it, since it’s one of those love/hate songs anyway.
Learning A Lesson: Love Fool - The Cardigans
Listen, usually the lessons I've learn in life that have stuck with me have been about love in any form. I was once that girl who cried and begged for someone to come back to me, only to learn later that he was the biggest asshole on the planet, despite some fierce competition. This is the first song I think of when I think of learning a lesson, as acting this way is what taught me a very good lesson. Life is about people going in and out of your lives because they either compliment you, or they don't. See people for who they are with your heart and brain, don’t just look at them with your eyes, because looks can be deceiving.
Deep Thought: Behind the Sea - Panic at the Disco
I don’t have any explanation for this one, except I couldn’t come up with a song to use here, and every time I hear this song I wonder what the fuck Ryan is singing about. I just do not get it. Can anyone help me out? Usually I speak mumbo jumbo, but this time I can not decipher it. I have spent so much time trying to figure out the whole “floating flocks of candle swans slowly drift across wax ponds” thing, and then men are playing along to marching drums behind the sea, that I am sure I lost brain cells doing it, so I think this counts under the deep thought category. I mean, listen to this song and then tell me it makes you think and then go, what the fuck?
Flashback: Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters - Elton John
I don’t know why this gives me a flashback vibe. It’s not really explainable, but it makes me want to go “picture it, Sicily, 1934.” I think it’s just because I am a writer, and before I write any scene in my novel, I have to be able to visualize them. I could always see this song going with a flashback, slow and gentle with the piano, but full of meaning.
Partying: Photograph - Def Leppard
I am not a partier, seriously, and I am not an 80’s music person, but this song is a classic. If you can’t jam out to Def Leppard, you can’t jam out to anything. Besides, this song kind of fits a party vibe, staring at someone across the room and thinking of all the dirty things you want to do to them. I understand you’re not staring at a photograph and actually at them, but it’s the same concept.
For those of you looking for the version done on CMT's Crossroads with Taylor Swift, go here.
Happy Dance: Tell Me Something I Don’t Know - Selena Gomez
This song just makes me dance. It’s about getting out there and just full out going for it. I fell in love with this song as soon as I heard it and I don’t even like really poppy music all that much. I can’t fall back out of love with it, though. It isn’t possible. I’ve tried.
Regretting: One of the Days - Michelle Branch
I think as humans, one of the things we regret the most is losing someone in our life, either because we dropped the ball in the relationship, or because they changed and they weren’t the same person anymore. You reach out for them, but they are no longer there, and this is what this song represents, only from an angle where it was you who let the person go because you didn’t realize how much they meant to you, and now you regret it. Been there, done that.
Long Night Alone: Candles - Hey Monday
I think every long night alone is spent finding out something new and different, and discovering things about the people in your life. You are feeling alone for a reason, and someone has made you feel that way by doing something to hurt you, or exclude you. This song is about what comes out of that long night alone, and that’s the most important thing.
Death Scene: Meet You There - Simple Plan
When someone dies, I like to believe that, no matter how soon they left me, no matter if I think I can’t live without them, that eventually I will meet them in heaven. It makes things a little bit okay to listen to this song and have it match exactly how I felt when my grandfather died, and still how I feel ten and a half years later. If you've ever lost someone you love, this song will make you cry. You can not say I didn't warn you. This song was originally written by their guitarist, Jeff, after he lost his dad to cancer.
Closing Credits: Change - Taylor Swift
This song is about never being held back. I would like to think that, as this chapter ends, a new one begins and I will go into it fearlessly and not let anyone hold me back. It’s all about moving forward and not letting people get me down. That’s where I am right now. Life just keeps changing.
I also want to express that I did the dumbest thing yesterday, so I think I need to add a song for this, too, even though it was not on the original list.
Being A Wimp: 20 Dollar Nosebleed - Fall Out Boy feat. Brendon Urie
The first two lines of this describe yesterday great. I wanted to both disappear and join a monastery all at the same time. Long story short, I was at Wal-Mart and parked out at Lawn and Garden, so I went there to check out. The place was dead and the only other person out there was a very gorgeous cashier. I wimped out, just could not check out there, went inside, waited in line, checked out, and then had to walk across the entire parking lot to get to my car. I think if I’m going to act like that, I should join a monastery and do some good. Aunt Bev, however, said she does the same thing. Someone hug us?
I would also like to add another category called disclaimer, because I feel like I’m one of those people who needs one.
Disclaimer: Crazy People - The Wreckers
Because this is so true. So true. So before you friend me, just know that. I don’t fall in love with them, too, but that doesn’t necessarily mean anything to them. They still keep a coming.
And for the last category that I’m adding, I’m going to go for this one.
Songs That Scare Others: A Secret Worth Keeping - The Fire Restart (They are not together anymore, but the song still rocks hard.)
You all know me, and I enjoy scaring people in an innocent way because it makes me laugh, as I am harmless. I’ve learned this is one of those songs that no one expects me to listen to because apparently I am all hearts and rainbows, with a few butterflies thrown in for good measure, so when I play it for people or send it to them, it scares them pretty damn good, therefore, it fits my life motto perfect, which is as follows. Scaring people when you didn’t actually do anything scary is way funny. (P.S. - Even though I like the mixed dynamic of this song, the lyrics scare me a little, too, as I am in no way suicidal and what not. Just so you know.)
On a side note: Dear Hayley Williams, oh wonder woman of all things musical, this is beyond awesome! And I’m not just talking about your hair. P.S. - Where did Jeremy’s go?
I have eclectic taste, I realize, but I like to share that eclectic taste.
I would also like to share that I was watching House Hunters on HGTV and this guy decided to announce that “it was nice the trees were providing shade into the house.” (Apparently there’s another purpose for fully erect trees that I don’t know about? He seemed totally floored by this newfangled observation as well.)
“I need a garage, but since the one house I like doesn’t have one, I would have to build one.” (I totally thought he would just say, “screw it. Who needs a car?” Or you know, use his magic want to magically create one.)
“The other house had a garage, so I could park my car.” (So what, you’re telling me that without a garage, it is physically impossible for you to park your car? You can’t put it in your driveway? What would you do with it then? Would you just leave it to drift slowly down the road until it eventually wrecked? Good plan, man!)
Then his wife chimed in with, “I finally have a garden so I can feed my family.” (So let me get this straight. You couldn’t before, but somehow you all lived? You had no idea how to shop, so you moved to a place where you could have a garden so you could stop sucking on human blood and go full out with food? What, were you a vampire prior to this?)
This is verbatim, people. I can’t make this shit up.
Now that you’ve all gotten a little more familiar with my musical tastes and the idiocy that makes me laugh hysterically (in other words, the only reason I watch television), let me let you all get a little more familiar with the cuteness that is Greta Hayley. This seems like a great way to end the blog, so behold her awesomely amazing new haircut! Aww!
Also, Greta would like to announce that she will be making her public debut in a newsletter for the shelter where I adopted her from. She’ll be in a section called “Happy Tails,” where they basically gush about how awesome she is and how much I love her and am lucky to have her. I will scan and post the clipping from it as soon as I have it in my cold, greedy hands. I am so proud of her!
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