Today I received an e-mail that touched me as well as tugged on my heart strings. It really made me think with my heart and emotions about how little things that I do touch or inspire others. I don't think about it at the time, I only do what works and feels right for me, and for the situation, never thinking of the impact it might have on those not involved, or even the one other person involved, although I try to make things easiest for both parties. I just try to do what's right, and if that gives someone some kind of hope, then I am charmed to know this, so lucky, because it touches me right back. I'm doing something pretty okay.
For the sake of moving this little doggy of a blog right on along, I will start with yesterday and gleefully move forward, hopefully making this a semi short blog, as I don't think there's a whole lot to report.
Yesterday's wake up was way later than intended by a bunch of hours, so many so that we won't even discuss it, but we all know how this goes. I think I did so much of nothing yesterday for the sake of not feeling well, that I can't even remember what I did, which is vastly pathetic. I'm trying to think back about the excitement of the day, yet all I'm remembering are window stickies being made. I still need to take pictures of the ones I finished, as they're super sexy and cute.
I'm going to refer to my Twitter for random and fun points of the day, as window stickies take forever to make and I really do think that's what I spent most of the day doing. I'm a loser, but a crafty one.
My mom had a discussion with herself about couples that don't look right together. I can't remember what sparked this, and maybe that's a good thing. I did not want involved, because if people are in love, they're in love. Oh wait, side note, I do know what sparked it. There was an E-Harmony commercial where one person was black and the other white, and she decided they didn't make a couple. Umm...I just can't even imagine looking at two people and noticing color above all else. I think it's horrible. People are people...period. If they are happy in love, then they have one more thing than I do, so if anything, I'm envious of them, not criticizing them. Maybe my mom's jealous? I don't know, but I'd like to think that to be it over her being racist, but I know she can be sometimes, and it's then when I wonder how we're even related.
I also apparently felt "funky monkey, nananana," yesterday. Okay then.
I also find that I quoted That 70's Show several times in my Twitter yesterday, so let me just run right over those while I'm at it. Love That 70's Show.
Let's start with this little gem first. Eric Forman and his sister Laurie often fight, and in this episode Laurie was trying to get Eric in trouble for something in front of their parents. I can't remember the exact situation, but Eric ended up turning it around and getting her in trouble right back, which ended in him saying, "There's a good side to this; I took her down with me." Hyde responds with a "good job." No one likes Laurie.
There's also a piece in one of the episodes where Kitty is sitting in front of the television with Red and daydreaming about having the perfect family that doesn't argue and everyone gets along. While sitting there, she is flipping through the television channels and comes across The Brady Bunch Variety Hour. Red responds with "Oh, who the hell gave those people an entire hour?" Red puts up with so much of the show and then gets up, exclaiming "Oh, this show is crap." Kitty wanted to like the show since she had put it on and continued to watch it for a few seconds before going "Oh no, this is crap." So true for The Brady Bunch Variety true. Nail on head, baby!
In another episode, (because I watched eight on this particular day, as it was on for noise while I was making my window stickies) Kitty was telling Red what a bad idea it is for them to have parties since he always causes some kind of issue. She then mentions how, at the last party, he called the cops and had every body's car towed. He responded with "Drunk people looking for their cars. That was funny!" I happen to agree with that, which is what I love about Red. He's tough, he's overbearing, but in the end he goes for the funny in a sadistic way, and it's just way too good. I have the same sense of humor as him and I also like to say dumbass.
I took a break from That 70's show between episodes to listen to the news. The biggest story of the day both shocked me and made me laugh. I will explain this the best as I can so that you can see I am not a sadistic creep. Let me just tell you the gist of the story, then I'll explain. Five kids fell of a cliff, one by one.....
This leaves me wondering how this happens.
This is the full story: Five kids were hiking on a trail when this happened. The news channel showed the trail and it was a good ten to fifteen feet from the cliff. The kids were in their early teens, old enough to know not to go near a cliff, and also being supervised by an adult. Now, being that they were supposedly on the trail, there's no way they could have just fallen over the cliff with the trail being so far away, so they had to be screwing around when this happened. What I don't understand is how, if one kid went over, the other four ended up going over as well as they literally fell over one at a time over a couple minute period. Then, to top it off, the guardian that was with them never fell over the cliff. The kids are fine, by the way, just a little scraped up. I think I'm sensing a whole lot of stupid, but I'm not sure, as I wasn't there. Either way, epic fail.
Yesterday was also "Won't You Be My Neighbor Day" as I previously mentioned in the blog before. I did not wear my sweater, as I didn't want to get it dirty with the window sticky paint, however I figured something out. I will not be your neighbor if you are going to be a pain in the ass neighbor. If only we could pick our neighbors, how awesome would that be? I certainly wouldn't be stuck with my doo hickey's of neighbors, that's for sure. And yes, doo hickeys. Gosh, you can tell I'm from Western Pennsylvania.
Today I had a lot on my plate as far as things to do, and places I had to go, but long story short, I failed. The basis of the day revolved around the fact that I needed to get my vitamin D prescription filled. Since I was doing that, my mom figured, since we're down to one car, that she would come with me. She's starting her new job on the 31st, and she needed to get pants and shoes for said job. While we were out, I also wanted to stop at Hot Topic and pick up Twilight since I am short on money but have a Hot Topic gift card. Okay, I'm flat broke and if I wanted the DVD, that was the only way I was paying for it. With this in mind, off we went.
We decided to go to the mall first, since, direction wise, it made more sense and was more efficient. On our way to the mall we were winding up some residential roads and passed what I think may have been a volunteer fire department, or something of the sort, but either way, it served beer and wasn't afraid to advertise that. As we were going past, a man who was probably in his early sixties came staggering out, obviously on a bender, as he swerved and tripped over his own feet. It was 4:20 in the afternoon. Gotta love Pennsylvania. He then proceeded to cross the street behind us. I couldn't look. Thank God he had a friend with him.
I learned one very important thing today. If you buy DVD's at Hot Topic, they will run you more money, however you get a bunch of really super cool extra stuff with the DVD that they don't advertise you get and is exclusive to Hot Topic and limited. I've decided to sale the stuff that came with the DVD and hopefully make some money off of it. It's not like I technically paid for the DVD anyway since it was on a gift card, but I guess it's still the principle of paying more.
We headed to Hallmark and then over to Wal-Mart after that. I opened up my purse to grab my prescription but it was not there, defeating the entire purpose of the trip. I racked my brain for where it could have gone, as both my mom and I saw me put it into my purse. (Well, of course I saw myself.) We were confused, but I later came home to realize that I had stuck it in there, and took something else out. It got stuck to what I took out, and being that I was sort of out of it and not paying so much attention, I didn't realize this. It was my fault and an oversight on my part, but it's okay because my mom has to take her shoes back, so we'd be making two trips anyway. It all worked out.
After a big fiasco involving coupons and Ensure, we made our way out to the car. I got into my purse to pull out my phone and check for texts, only to see that Becky had texted me. The text basically read that "Crazy girl likes Patrick, so I put them next to each other on register. I'm amused." I was amused too. I'm just imagining Patrick's reaction to this. I'm sure he was not happy, and everyone was teasing him about when the wedding between the two would be since obviously he's a little scared of the girl and it drove him nuts. Score for Becky being his manager and telling him where to stand on register! Win!
Also, this Wal-Mart is becoming a pain in the ass. They're not taking stuff back that they sold and is defective, and are refusing perfectly good coupons. They're the better stocked store, but as of late, my bad experiences with them have not made me want to go there anymore, but oh, I will as Becky and Patrick work there and are easy and fun to harass. I have no life.
After Wallie World, we ate at Arby's and went to PetSmart. The shelter where I got Greta was there trying to get some of their dogs adopted, so I went into their trailer to look at all the cute puppies and kitties, and ended up getting talked up by one of the slightly nerdy, but nice young men that volunteer there. While we were talking, I mentioned that I had adopted Greta there and explained which puppy she was. I've learned that she's well remembered as she was in the only group of Chow puppies they got in last year, and she was the only brown one in a group of white ones. Turns out, she was this kids favorite puppy and he wanted to adopt her and I beat him to it. Ah HA! I'm not sorry I beat him to it. He's missing out on one awesome dog, but I did promise to bring her up so that he could play with her and see her. I think she'll like that.
After PetSmart we went to Target. There's not really anything to report about the actual shopping experience, except there was this one amazing thing that happened before we even got in the store, and I appreciated the funny a little too much. I've learned that if you watch people long enough, eventually one or two of them will do something epic and you'll laugh for days. This was one of those times and I wasn't even watching for anything.
While driving towards the store to find a parking space, there was a dad and his little girl who was probably about five or six, walking out of the store. The sidewalk outside of the store is a little bumpy and on a slant. At the end of that slant is the road, so naturally he bent down and grabbed onto her hand, presumably to keep her from going out on the road and keep her from falling. He tripped over his own feet and fell. She had to help him up. Yep.
After that I came home and worked rigorously on window stickies, always forgetting how much time they actually take up. My mom turned on the show The Locator while I was doing this. I have a love / hate relationship with Troy Dunn, the man who is "The Locator." I think he is truly doing God's work by reuniting people with lost loved ones, but not forcing said lost loved one to reunite if they can't handle it. He's gentle, kind, patient, caring, and he does an amazing job, taking the television show so he could help people for free, as it becomes costly for him to fly around the nation looking for people and he must charge the client's bill for this. With the television show, that bill is footed for those whose stories make it on TV and that's kind of nice, because people who couldn't otherwise afford to do this, now can. This is the love part. The hate part is that he always makes me cry like a little baby when he reunites, or sometimes does not reunite, people. When he is able to do it, it's incredibly heart warming!
When all the stickies were properly hidden away and drying, and only then, I got online. My friend Kelly IMed me, using several more vowels than were necessary to really kick punch the point across. I replied just the same, with exclamation points and everything. I love our overzealous use of vowels. I also love that this reminds me of a girl I used to work with at Best Buy. When she was talking and really excited, at the end of the sentence, she would yell EXCLAMATION POINT! Okay, not really yell as much as say with excitement and sarcasm both at once. Oh, how I miss her and her awesome. Sometimes, she would even speak of periods and question marks. You can't buy that kind of awesome in a store.
Becky also sent me a video from of these two men in blue unitards. I'm so not adding this link. You can go look for it yourself, as it's just too scary. I realized that, unless you're a dancer, unitards are a retarded form of clothing. This is no offense to anyone who is mentally challenged, as I've learned people who are tend to be the nicest, most thoughtful and caring people ever. Unitards however, are thoughtful and caring to nothing. And boys...should never wear them. Period. And thanks in advance.
Becky was also telling me about this guy she works with who stalks her and I need to add this note on my blog. Guys, you can not stalk girls. It makes them not like you. If I need to produce a clothing line stating this fact, then I am okay with doing that and handing them out pro bono. This also goes for girls who stalk guys. It's just not cool, you will end up a forty year old virgin that way, and you will never get the person you really think you want. It's also illegal in fifty states and the District of Columbia. Keep this in mind next time you think someone is hot and you will just "follow them around." No.
Twilight came out today, as I mentioned before, and as I also mentioned, I got cool stuff that I want to sale, with the DVD at Hot Topic. One of those things was an Edward film cell. Kelly asked me what it was and this was my exact explanation. "It's like some picture card with words thingy." First of all, those would be called trading cards, note to self. Second, could I have made myself sound any more like an incoherent and under schooled twat? I'm not stupid, I promise, but sometimes the things I say reach levels of stupid that even shock me. If you don't laugh at yourself though, then what's the point in life?
With all these tidbits, I shall leave you with two new songs to fuck your ears with, long and slow in the most passionate of ways.
Yesterday's song: I think I'll go with Decode by Paramore, off of the Twilight Soundtrack. I even have the actual video to post. Since this post contained a whole lot of Twilight, I figured I'd go with that song, since I kept hearing it in commercials promoting the midnight release of Twilight yesterday. Every time I heard it I started singing, my head snapped up, and I got excited for the release. I also really love Paramore, so epic win all around.
Todays song: Hey Stephen by Taylor Swift, off of her sophmore album, Fearless. I've linked this several times, so I won't bother to do so again. I am particularly romanced by the lines "All those other girls, well they're beautiful, but would they write a song for you?" There's so many times where I've thought that, where I've written songs for a boy and wondered why we were just still friends, because I cared enough to do that when the girl he was looking at would never even want to care enough to try. I think we all feel that way sometimes, but that's not really what the whole song is about. It's just romantic.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Touched By the Charming Kind
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