Wow, I've sucked consistently for two days, and haven't posted in technically three, but I'm making up for that now. I am disappointed, but in my defense, I have been too tired to actually think out a semi intelligent post. I've done everything and nothing in the past two days. My progress on things I actually need to do has been fantastic, but the progress on things I bought to entertain myself in my time of sickness is sub-par.
For example, I knew quite awhile back that I wasn't going to be allowed to work for a long time and would be hauled up in the house. Knowing this, I decided to take advantage of a huge sale at Joann Fabrics, seeing as I am crafty and what not. I got almost $300 in fabric for around $78 and it was all fabric that I needed in order to complete projects I had in mind. I also got everything else I could think of for backup and other accouterments to complete said projects so I didn't have to go back out again. I figured I could knock out every single project that I had on my to do list while home and it would give me something to do so that I wasn't bored. Wrong!
I got about twenty seven percent of my projects done, but realized that sewing when I am as dizzy as I am, isn't exactly the easiest thing ever. I figured that if I could walk cautiously, that surely I could sew, but the precision that sewing requires isn't allowing me to get too incredibly far, therefore I am still bored, and still wanting to sew. I have pillows to sew covers for, several sets of curtains, a dog bed, a runner for the fireplace, and several other things that I can not remember. I am disappointed and hope to get back to sewing again soon.
Also, I acquired vintage 1950's dresses along with four 1950's purses when my moms friend had a yard sale to clear her mother's house of all its stuff, since her mom had passed and the house needed sold. I want to hem the 1950's dresses and fix them to look a little more modern, and remove the shoulder pads, without taking away from the vintage-ness of them. Summer is coming and I haven't been able to do that either, and I so desperately want to. When I do finally get this stuff done, I'll take pictures of it and post them on here.
In my two years that I worked at Hallmark, I collected a bunch of photo albums and scrapbooks, all the coveted Hallmark brand, and all on sale for two dollars or less. I have over a thousand pictures just helter-skelter in a big box, where they are sorted, but unhappy. I wanted to piece together my photo albums and scrapbooks while I was home and bored. Guess what, I failed there too.
I still have time, lots and lots of time, but it sucks when I feel so terrible that I can't even do crafting projects that require sitting and precision. I know I have about a billion other crafting projects to do, but I can't even think of what they are right now. If I went in my closet where everything is compulsively organized, I know it would all come back to me quickly, which is why I'm not going to do that.
Speaking of things I'm not getting done, my novel has made it on that list. Right now, I'm really content and excited about one story more than the others, so I was working very diligently on it, except I haven't touched it in two days. I've been too exhausted. I'm hoping once I'm done typing out this blog that I will actually go ahead and work on it, but seeing as it's going on 11:30 at night, I don't know if it's going to happen.
Now, I know what you're thinking and NOT because I'm psychic, like people, for whatever reason, seem to think. (True story.) Why am I writing a less important blog when I could be writing my novel, something I'm passionate about? Simple. This blog was made not only for others to read, but mostly to keep a journal of my days as I'm going through being sick and in a somewhat bad way. I want to be able to look back once I get better and always remember how fortunate I am to be well, and grateful for every day that's been given to me. It's important to me to do this, and I want to log the last three days into here before I forget the small, fun things, as well as the really important ones. Besides, I have nothing to do tomorrow unless I actually work on my crafting projects, so I can hide out in my room and work on my novel. Maybe I just will.
This is going to be a long post in order for me to fit everything in, so I will just start at the beginning, stop several times to think and look at my list which has noted everything I want to add in here, and go from there.
Thursday, I had to go and have my blood taken. I woke up at an ungodly hour from an unusually deep sleep and we headed up to the university medical center in rush hour traffic. Fun stuff. On our way there we happened to be stopped at a red light when I looked out my window and caught a glimpse of a rather odd site; a digital church sign. Upon reading it like I instinctively do with all signs, I noticed that it had spelled the word hospitality as hospitilatiy. Not only is there a spellcheck key in your computer when you are programming it for digital signs (eh hem F7), but that is one of those rare words that's spelled the same as it phonetically sounds. I wish I would have taken a picture with my Sidekick, but alas I did not. I am going back up there next Friday and will pass the same church. I will have my phone ready, and if the sign still reads the same, I promise a picture from the car. If I have to get out to take the picture though, all bets are off as the neighborhood is a really bad one.
A short note to the church in Wilkinsburg: The word hospitality is NOT spelt hospitilatiy. Thank you. (Just in case anyone from that church would come across this blog.)
I made it to the hospital and had my blood drawn. The one blood test required me to lay flat and relax for twenty minutes to a half hour before they pulled my blood, however the nurse got busy and it ended up being more like forty minutes. On a good note, they only took ten tubes of blood instead of sixteen. Isn't it sad when "only" ten tubes of blood is a good note?
Also, I had to collect all my blood results from all my doctors, which are in the same complex, but it was still going to be time consuming. I needed the results for an appointment with my PCP who is NOT in the same group as the rest of my doctors, meaning he can't access the computer system with all my results already in it like they can. I made my way to the closest doctors office after getting my blood pulled and she got in the computer and printed out all of my blood tests results from all my doctors instead of making me go to all of my doctors separately. I love her in a totally platonic way. Thank you Jamie the receptionist!
I had told the endocrinologist, who had the blood pulled on Thursday, that I was trying to get all of my blood test results back for Monday, in passing, knowing that there would be no possible way for the blood testing I was doing that day to be processed and reported on by Monday. Today, I got an e-mail linking me to a page that had test results from my urine analysis and two of my blood test results on it. This is Saturday and my doctor is a saint. Even though two tests are barely every single one of them, it is still something and it is still more than appreciated. I didn't expect to have ANY test results for two weeks. I have been fortunate to have the caring doctors that I do, especially after going through the less than caring ones that I have, and I am thankful, grateful, and humbled.
After leaving the hospital, my mom at the wheel since usually I feel pretty lightheaded and gross after having blood pulled, we started towards home. At this point it was around 10:30 and I was still feeling pretty okay, until about halfway there. Excuse my lack of creativity and story telling tonight. I became pretty pissed off at myself as I promised my grandmother that we'd stop for lunch at her place on the way home, because all I wanted to do was go home at that point. She lives about a half an hour from me and I literally have to pass her house to get home from where I was. She had been bugging us to do lunch, so it seemed like a good compromise and I did manage to stay awake the entire time and not get sick...somehow.
While at lunch in the cafeteria with around thirty people who were all aged over seventy, I had turned my ringer on my cell phone up so I would hear it, as I was awaiting a call back from a doctor, which I have not yet gotten. I felt badly for leaving my phone on and semi loud in the middle of a cafeteria, but if I missed the call, it was unlikely that I'd be able to get a hold of the doctor again for several days. About a third of the way through lunch, I realized my ring tone is the chorus to But It's Better If You Do (Brendon's ass looks amazing in these pants, no? And those lips, my god child.) by Panic at the Disco (do I really need to link them again?). Enough said.
We made it home and I had planned on sleeping, however, about a half an hour after getting home our power went out, which is always a worry around here. We have issues with our power going out every time we blink and often staying out for a few days, as the power company usually fixes our road last. The last time our power went out, there were two downed power lines and despite calling them in, they were left in the middle of the road for three days. Everything aside though, losing power wouldn't be so bad except it's cold out, and we have well water, leaving us without water when we don't have power. We can't even flush our toilets people. Our power did come back on, and when it did we were told that the power company took our power out on purpose to test or fix something or another. They told us this AFTER it was back on. Thanks Allegheny Power. Your dickwadness continues to shock and amaze me.
I spent the rest of the evening so tired that I couldn't actually sleep, and watching re-runs of That 70's Show. I could comment on my love for that show for hours, but I will spare everyone.
Over the past week I've done a lot of thinking. I love Becky 1 for a lot of reasons and we've known each other for so long. In one way, I'm just done with her, and in another I know that I'll miss her because we have so much fun together. I decided that I was going to continue to remain friends with her, but not piss around either. When I ask her what time she wants to do something and she repeatedly doesn't answer me, I won't wait around until she figures out a time and then go with her. I will do what I want and need to do, and if she fits in my day, that's fine. She can't commit to a thing, which makes it hard to get together with her. I also will not go out of my way to plan anything for her, as it's a waste. We'll see how this works out. I figure if I'm not doing anything exclusively on her terms, then it won't be so bad. Those may be famous last words.
Thursday night we were texting, and I feel the need to share the contents of the texts which I have saved for this occasion. To set up the conversation, we were talking about going to see a movie a night just to get out of the house for awhile, and with the huge drop in movie ticket prices that occurred recently, we can actually afford to go. We were discussing which movie to go and see, and here's what happened. Also note that any of my current comments are in parenthesis.
Me: OMG, WE SHOULD SEE THE JONAS BROTHERS MOVIE! I'm sorry, I had to. (Neither of us are JBro fans. We also do not have anything against them. It's personal preference, nothing more, nothing less.)
Becky 1: Buhahaha. I'd do it to mock it, but only on an off day without the teens and tweens. (Nothing against teens and tweens, respectively.)
Me: I would too, sadly. I would like to see Taylor Swift's (do I really need to link her again too?) portion. OMG, watch, we'd go and like it.
Becky 1: I'm afraid of that.
Me: I am too. So what we're saying is we're afraid to see the Jonas Brothers movie, not because we hate them, but because we're afraid we might like them.
Becky 1: Err...yes.
Me: Okay, screw the movie. We're going to a strip club.
Becky 1: Lol!
Me: No, I'm serious. We are pathetic. We need to stare at men and not be afraid of the Jonas Brothers concert.
Hopefully we will pick a day to stare at some hot ass soon. Seriously, we need to, which is painfully obvious.
In other news, I slept a lot yesterday, and when I say a lot, I mean a lot. I had ninety two things to do. My day was supposed to go this way. Get up, get dressed, get gas, pay bill, take papers to County Assistance Office, take my mom to three places nearby to put in job applications since I was up that way, go to mall, come home and change, meet Becky 1 for a 3:30 lunch.
My day actually went this way. Get up at 1:30, help mom with computer as she barely can figure out how to turn it on, rush around to get ready, get gas, pay bill, go to county assistance office, and pull in three minutes late to meet Becky 1. In my defense, I was up in the morning, but was too sick to keep going and had to lay down. This happens a lot.
Becky 1 and I ate at a place called Smokey Bones. (The Jonas Brother's website is far less annoying than theirs, I've learned.) I realized that while we were eating, our phones were both out on the table and we were texting, and sadly, we even texted each other once. Pathetic. This is normal for us, however we barely had anything to talk about. It felt very weird and I'm wondering if we are just simply growing apart, but I don't know. Time will tell. I also realized that if I'm around she and Patrick, who also used to be a friend of mine, it's just weird. They're in their own little world. (Thank you for giving me the finger Patrick, just for driving past you. I will get you back.)
The rest of the day was devoid of pretty much anything exciting except I got Greta Hayley cookies, failed at everything else miserably, and was exhausted. Oh, except I realized my PCP's office set me up with the wrong PCP. Being that I had never met my new PCP at the time when I first saw him, and that he only had his last name on his lab coat, and it was the same name as the doctor I was supposed to have, I didn't realize this until yesterday. I had to call the insurance company and make sure they would cover if the doctors office fucked and set me up with the wrong doctor after I asked for the doctor on my insurance card specifically by first and last name. They said since they were in the same practice they would cover it and I could stay with the PCP I have if I like him. I do.
Today seemed a lot like yesterday, only a whole lot more fail. Imagine that. Originally today was supposed to go this way. Get up, spend the day with Alex, and then have an early dinner with Becky 1 on my two for one coupon for Fridays. My day went nothing at all like this, and I saw neither Alex nor Becky 1. In fact, I did a lot of looking at my mom. I'm seeing a pattern. I'm also seeing myself having a really loud conversation with the neighbors if they do not stop jacking my internet.
Neither Alex nor I could seem to make plans, and I didn't see a point of driving a half hour to his house where everything was closed, as its spring break and he's on a college campus, only to stare at each other and have a long conversation about what we were going to do. I texted him and told him this, but apparently he didn't get them and I think he's slightly upset with me. I sent him more than one text. I feel bad, but there's nothing I can do. I sent said texts and left it at that. I'm not one for really making phone calls, but when texting is good enough, why waste precious minutes when I have unlimited text? Besides, if he was that concerned, he could have called me, but did not.
Becky 1 was supposed to let me know what she was doing as far as dinner sometime this morning, and if she had to take her car to the dealer today or not. She did not let me know, and even after I knew I wasn't hanging out with Alex, I asked her again and got an "I don't know." My mom and I both needed to go to the same place today, so I decided with to just go with her. Therefore, when Becky did decide a time, I was occupied. No, I don't feel bad. You can only ask someone for an answer so many times, and when they don't give you one, you can't sit around and wait for them.
Today made me wonder one thing. Why are all headbands being made now very 1980's? I can not put that on my head. No offense 80's, but you're just not my friend and this is 2009.
Now, for the random comment portion of this blog. I'm sure I missed a bunch of things I wanted to add in here, but I'm going to hit all the random points.
Did you know that there's a place in New Zealand called Tutukaka. It's pronounced exactly how you would think it is.
I was told today that David Arquette (Courteney Cox's husband) now has a clothing line and gave one of the shirts from it to the incomparable Ellen Degeneres on her show yesterday. On the front it says "once upon a time," and on the back it reads "happily ever after." Becky 1 wants to know why she would want a shirt that said that. I want to know if I made a shirt that said "We wish you a merry," On the front and "fourth of July" on the back if it would cover all basis and sell well.
Becky 1 was not impressed by Fall Out Boy on Ellen Friday, whereas we both usually are. She said Patrick was hard to understand. Patrick Stump is sometimes quite tough to understand, but normally phenomenal. Bummer. Pete also did nothing but wander the stage and forget to sing back up vocals. Sadly, I think this is what makes Pete Wentz (husband and baby daddy to Ashlee Simpson-Wentz) who he is, but you can't help but love him for it most of the time. (I said most, not all.)
There was a guest on Ellen yesterday that had a shirt that said "Lv Grn." Becky 1 pointed out that it made her want to make a shirt that said "use vowels." (The "use vowels" shirt is copyright of Miss Becky 1. Take it and lose a limb.) I think she should. I think people would buy the hell out of them, especially with the texting epidemic that has gotten into everyone.
Since I haven't posted in three days, I shall add three songs according to what song each day reminded me of, and what I found myself singing that day. I know I was singing the whole way up and back from the hospital Thursday, I just have to think of what song it was that I was singing.
Thursday's song will be Franklin by the band Paramore from their first album All We Know Is Falling. I couldn't stop singing the ending to the song. So lovely. Hayley Williams has one of the most unique and refreshing voices that I've heard in a long time. Also, her style rocks.
Friday's songs was definitely Candles by Hey Monday off of their first album Hold On Tight. Beautiful song and I think all woman can relate to it in one way or another.
I don't think I've run around singing anything today, but knowing me I was singing and didn't know it. Wait, I lie, I spent ten minutes in Hot Topic singing Elephants by Rachel Yamagata off of her double album Elephants/Teeth Sinking Into Heart. (Elephants is the opening song her website if you'd like to hear the recorded version, but I wanted to add her live.) She is truly a unique talent. I've seen her live before and I have to say she is the best female artists I've had the pleasure of witnessing the sharing of their gift.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The Imaginary Wedding
Tonight I realized that Greta would be the cutest little flower girl in the world. Also, I know what dress I want for my wedding. I have no boyfriend. I guess I'll just plan the wedding and pick up the boy later.
You have to dream somewhere.....
You have to dream somewhere.....
Greta Hayley,
Straight From the Heart
A Blog Full Of Cute

I had nothing to blog about yesterday, nothing at all. Lately I find myself frustrated with the lack of odd and strange things happening in my life. It used to seem like everyday I had some kind of new, odd story because that's just how my life rolled. If it wasn't happening to me, I wouldn't believe it at all, but now I'm stuck with zero life at all and it's depressing. I'll see what I can scrounge up for today's blog.
I thought I would start this blog out with a whole lot of cute, because really, who doesn't like cute? Isn't life all about the cute?
The first picture is of the incomparable Greta Hayley. I was sitting here swearing to myself in frustration because I was getting nowhere on my novel and nothing was working out correctly, when I happened to look over and see her sleeping like that. Not only that, but she had a huge smile on her face.
The second picture is Greta Hayley and Helena. We had adopted Greta Hayley as a puppy in hopes that she could keep up with Helena's insane activities. It worked, even though Greta knows when to lay down and Helena doesn't. Occasionally though, they have these little beautiful moments, and that's when I take pictures, share, and tell people they're mine. Otherwise, I won't admit to owning Helena. Just kidding....
The third picture is of Leo. I was showing my mom the picture I took of Greta Hayley, the first one on this blog, and she got mad because I never put Leo, her favorite, on my blog. I told her that he doesn't sleep upside down and smile. About two minutes later he proved me wrong. I know you can't see his whole body, but he is upside down. It was just funnier to take the picture the way that I did. Enjoy. Also, he is sleeping with my stuffed animal Sandy, whom, at twenty three years old, I do still sleep with and am proud.
Yesterday I was talking to my one friend online while also talking to another. I will not name names as I'm pretty sure they both read this blog, however, I'm sure they'll figure out who they are anyway. I was telling one friend that other friend and I were making plans for this weekend, and first friend butts in with an idea of what we could all do together. I told other friend and we're still trying to figure out who invited first friend to begin with, but it's funny. Please keep in mind, we are not objective to taking first friend with us, but it was the fact that first friend threw themselves in there and basically invited themselves that really got us. Why do people do that?
Yesterday I went to Target, but nothing remarkable happened, which is strange, because something remarkable always happens when I go to Target. It's a rule around here. Maybe it's because I went to the one in a different town than the one I normally go to. Either way, I got jipped.
Today I was repeatedly raped and frustrated with papers from the state. I can not figure out why I have to fill out all these insane papers when I have no job because the doctors have turned over papers time and time again stating they will not let me work. However, I still had to send all my financial papers their way, back account records, etc. Everything states a big, large, zero. Whatever.
I watched a really odd made for TV movie today. It was called Cabin By the Lake. It seemed like it would have your typical plot, but it really didn't. It was eery, scary, malicious, and yet had little tinges of humor through it. Check it out. I'm not saying its a great masterpiece or anything, but if you're looking to kill a few hours, it was different than what you'd expect from reading the description.
Well, my stuffed animals are cuddling so cute together and I think I'm going to go and join them. I'm getting the sixteen tubes of blood finally pulled tomorrow morning, so I have to be up at six to make it there on time, then I'm having lunch with my grandma, and from there, who knows. If I'm still awake enough to write tomorrow night, especially after having all that blood pulled, I'm sure I will have stories, as in multiple ones. It will be a cold day in hell when something insane doesn't happen to me at both the hospital and around my grandmother. She is awesome.
Before I forget, it's song of the day time. Today I will add Fingerprints by Katy Perry off of her album One of the Boys. Yes, she's the "I Kissed A Girl Singer," but she's so much more than that. This song has been used on repeat for commercials for a new show called Sophie, so if you've wondered what song that was, here you go.
P.S. - I may or may not go on a search for a new layout tonight, but I do kind of like the simplicity of this one, even though it's not otherwise what I would have chosen if I wasn't HTML inept.
A Movie Minute,
A Music Minute,
Greta Hayley,
Playful Pets
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Today Is the Day That I Learn
These are my words of wisdom mixed with a childish thing to remember. Yes, I came up with this all on my own and hadn't even realized what I said until I read back over it.
"If you're really going to hate someone, the best thing that you can think for them to do is make themselves look stupid all on their own so everyone laughs at them."
As horribly mean as that is, isn't that true? It could be anything from a bad haircut, to falling on their ass in front of a ton of people who will forever remember it and then razz them about it every single time they see them. If someone screws you over, even if you want to be mature about it, it's much funnier if you do nothing and the universe ass fucks them on its own, the kind of ass fuck that leaves bruises and makes it difficult for them to sit for several days.
Today I was sick I was only awake for about four hours of the actual day, and even when I was awake, I was out of it. I got up several times to go to the bathroom, get a drink, or eat, and I could barely hold my own weight and almost passed out each time. Gross. It will get better.
Becky texted me this morning to let me know she had my flash drive, but then went to work. Either way, it's fine. I'll go get it probably tomorrow when schedules coordinate and someone's actually at her house. That normally helps. I know that I do love Becky as a friend and we get along great when we're actually together. I have no one else who is fearless enough to saran wrap cars with me, and put glow in the dark, flavored condoms all over them in front of the car owners' brother, but at the same time, after the past couple months, is it worth it? Maybe it's just a phase. I don't know. Maybe I should let it play out. That I don't know either, as I don't know if I'll survive the way it hurts each time I get kicked off to the side during that. When someone becomes toxic to you, it's time to move on or stop bitching. I do have a choice.
I called the County Assistance Office today and got lucky. Not only did my caseworker consider my call today as my phone interview so I don't have to go in, and agreed to let me change the things that were wrong on the papers and send them back since the errors were her fault, she also gave me an extra twenty eight days to get the papers filled out by my doctor, one of them at least. I don't need twenty eight days, but I am certainly not complaining. Win for once.
This week I have to do a twenty four hour urine test and then have sixteen tubes of blood pulled, one through an IV as it's a test mixed with pulling blood at the same time. I do not get this, but I do know that was too much information for a blog. Next Monday I have another appointment. We'll figure this thing out yet.
Today I realized that I'm a pretty rad person. This is not to be conceited, but every woman should think that of herself without having an ego about it. Think about it.
Song of the day, Sober by Kelly Clarkson off of her third album My December. I've had it stuck in my head since last night and it's gorgeous. I've also been singing it sub par during my two days plus of sickness. Enjoy.
"If you're really going to hate someone, the best thing that you can think for them to do is make themselves look stupid all on their own so everyone laughs at them."
As horribly mean as that is, isn't that true? It could be anything from a bad haircut, to falling on their ass in front of a ton of people who will forever remember it and then razz them about it every single time they see them. If someone screws you over, even if you want to be mature about it, it's much funnier if you do nothing and the universe ass fucks them on its own, the kind of ass fuck that leaves bruises and makes it difficult for them to sit for several days.
Today I was sick I was only awake for about four hours of the actual day, and even when I was awake, I was out of it. I got up several times to go to the bathroom, get a drink, or eat, and I could barely hold my own weight and almost passed out each time. Gross. It will get better.
Becky texted me this morning to let me know she had my flash drive, but then went to work. Either way, it's fine. I'll go get it probably tomorrow when schedules coordinate and someone's actually at her house. That normally helps. I know that I do love Becky as a friend and we get along great when we're actually together. I have no one else who is fearless enough to saran wrap cars with me, and put glow in the dark, flavored condoms all over them in front of the car owners' brother, but at the same time, after the past couple months, is it worth it? Maybe it's just a phase. I don't know. Maybe I should let it play out. That I don't know either, as I don't know if I'll survive the way it hurts each time I get kicked off to the side during that. When someone becomes toxic to you, it's time to move on or stop bitching. I do have a choice.
I called the County Assistance Office today and got lucky. Not only did my caseworker consider my call today as my phone interview so I don't have to go in, and agreed to let me change the things that were wrong on the papers and send them back since the errors were her fault, she also gave me an extra twenty eight days to get the papers filled out by my doctor, one of them at least. I don't need twenty eight days, but I am certainly not complaining. Win for once.
This week I have to do a twenty four hour urine test and then have sixteen tubes of blood pulled, one through an IV as it's a test mixed with pulling blood at the same time. I do not get this, but I do know that was too much information for a blog. Next Monday I have another appointment. We'll figure this thing out yet.
Today I realized that I'm a pretty rad person. This is not to be conceited, but every woman should think that of herself without having an ego about it. Think about it.
Song of the day, Sober by Kelly Clarkson off of her third album My December. I've had it stuck in my head since last night and it's gorgeous. I've also been singing it sub par during my two days plus of sickness. Enjoy.
Friend Flops,
Health Talk,
Straight From the Heart
Sunday, February 22, 2009
From the Perfectly Sculpted Ass Of Today
Hello blog. It is now the twilight of an unremarkable and uneventful day. I am so bored that I am watching whatever award show is on. I am so terrible that I've not a clue which awards show it is, but random people are singing on it, so it's alright by me, even though I've never loved musicals all that much. Oh look, they have stopped singing and Heath Ledger's parents and sister are now accepting an award for him. This is depressing. The line that struck me the most was "We will gladly accept this award on behalf of your beautiful Matilda." Aww.
I'm not sure what all I have to say today, which is sad for a girl who normally has a thousand things to rant about. When I say that today was unremarkable and uneventful, I really do mean it. Nothing really happened. Notta. The big zippo and zilch. I had two minor things flow in and out of my day, but I wouldn't consider them events, and normally wouldn't make a big deal out of them, but since I've got nothing else, I shall add them.
As I mentioned yesterday, my friend Becky, or ex friend as it's looking like the case may be, had really insulted and offended me when I was trying to do something nice for her, and on top of it, still has my flash drive and a book of mine. I am not worried about the book, as it sucked big time and I'd probably end up giving it away anyway, therefore I will not mention which book it was because I would rather not tear down someone else's work. Besides, there's a lot of other people out there that I'm sure love the book. I wish to not be inconsiderate. Not the point.
I texted her today and nicely asked her if she or her mom were home and if I could come get at least my flash drive off of her. Per the usual answer I've gotten off of her in the past two months, she put me off and told me she had no idea where it is. Now, in the last two months she must have found everything nine times, but every time I said, okay cool, I'll be over to get my stuff, she seems to have lost it again at that very moment. This is curious to me. The flash drive she has is the backup to everything on my Mac. I feel pretty lost without it. I have decided that if I get a chance tomorrow, I'm going to go to her house, as she lives less than a mile away, and if someone is there I will either sit there until she finds it, or search for it myself. I've had it with her amount of disrespect. These are not her things that she is refusing to give back to me, yet things I graciously lent her. I will not put up with her total and blatant refusal in a round about way to give me my things back. What is wrong with people?
She told me, ultimately, that she was temporarily out and she would get back to me when she got home today, as she'd look for everything then. She is home, as she has changed her status online and she can't do that from her phone. To me, this speaks volumes about a person.
As I also mentioned before, I am in need of making a trip to the County Assistance Office, or, in laments terms, Hell. Yesterday I got papers in the mail from them, so I decided to look them over today and be prepared for my plan of attack tomorrow, a weekday, when the office is open and if needed, I can call up there. Calling is needed. There is so much wrong with these papers that I'm unsure if I actually have the correct words to describe it.
For beginners, practically none of my information is correct on them. They got my name right, but where I live is sketchy, and the school district and township is totally blown. One paper states that if anything is wrong on the papers, you must come in and do an in person interview, as you won't be able to complete one over the phone without re-filling out papers. What's sad is that my information used to be correct until I got switched to this new caseworker who is obviously unable to copy things correctly. Of course, this now becomes my problem.
On these papers they have also marked a date and time that they would be calling me for a phone interview, had I not had to go in there. I now have to call and make an actual appointment at the office, but either way, they just picked a date and time and put it on the paper. I am not available for that date and time so it was nice of them to confer with me. Did I mention that I don't care for this new caseworker? I never had problems previous to her.
What really got me though, is the fact that the papers were received by me on Saturday. On the papers it very clearly is marked that I MUST have the papers filled out by a doctor and returned to the office by Friday. Yes, THIS Friday. I risk losing benefits otherwise, and considering the doctors don't want me working due to being so ill, this is extremely unfair to me. I don't exactly know where the county assistance office thinks the writing on these papers magically appears from, but you can not just go into a doctors office and tell them that you must see the doctor to have all these tons of papers filled out so you can take them with you and physically walk them into the assistance office so that you can have an interview with them. You have to actually make an appointment for that. Trust me, by now I know this. Tomorrow I get to call my caseworker and explain this to her, then hope she can understand this and give me an extension. With the doctors I am working with, it will be at least two weeks until I can get an appointment. *Sigh*
I'm a little more frustrated tonight than I would like to be. Granted, with everything going on I understand that I tend to get frustrated a little easier than most people would, but I can't help it. I don't mean to, but it's unfortunately an easy thing to do. I just want to have a chance to relax, but right now it's not an option, so I'll keep on trucking.
I wanted to notate as well that I am enjoying reading New Moon immensely. All the errors and issues in the first book seemed to have been well looked over and taken care of in this one. There are no grammatical errors, spelling errors, and other missteps. The plot is good, I'm eager to read on, and I'm glad that this book is as pleasing as it is. I'm wondering if she got a new editor. Does anyone else know if maybe she did between Twilight and New Moon? It seems to me like that's what happened considering all the errors seemed to have been caught this time around.
For tonight's song I've picked a band that I didn't know if I would ever go ahead and add a song from on here, but not for the lack of absolutely adoring their talent. For whatever reason, this song has been stuck in my head for two days now, so what the heck, I'll add it. The song is, deep breath, I Constantly Thank God For Esteban (What is up with these names?) by Panic! At the Disco, yes, they still had the exclamation point in their name at that point, from the album A Fever You Can't Sweat Out. The provided video is from their Live In Denver DVD which came with the limited edition A Fever You Can't Sweat Out box set. I'm not going to post a link for that here because the box set sold out fairly quickly and hasn't been available for purchase for almost two years now, unless you can find someone personally selling one. The Live In Denver DVD was never sold separately either, so enjoy the video!
I was really trying to resist saying this too, but now that I'm adding the link to the video, I just can't. Please enjoy Brendon Urie's perfectly sculpted ass as much as you can before he takes a seat to play the keys. You can bounce a dime off of that thing, and you're welcome.
And for those of you who didn't get enough of it, I present, There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought of It Yet. Bad stripper dancer presented by the aforementioned is provided free of charge.
I'm not sure what all I have to say today, which is sad for a girl who normally has a thousand things to rant about. When I say that today was unremarkable and uneventful, I really do mean it. Nothing really happened. Notta. The big zippo and zilch. I had two minor things flow in and out of my day, but I wouldn't consider them events, and normally wouldn't make a big deal out of them, but since I've got nothing else, I shall add them.
As I mentioned yesterday, my friend Becky, or ex friend as it's looking like the case may be, had really insulted and offended me when I was trying to do something nice for her, and on top of it, still has my flash drive and a book of mine. I am not worried about the book, as it sucked big time and I'd probably end up giving it away anyway, therefore I will not mention which book it was because I would rather not tear down someone else's work. Besides, there's a lot of other people out there that I'm sure love the book. I wish to not be inconsiderate. Not the point.
I texted her today and nicely asked her if she or her mom were home and if I could come get at least my flash drive off of her. Per the usual answer I've gotten off of her in the past two months, she put me off and told me she had no idea where it is. Now, in the last two months she must have found everything nine times, but every time I said, okay cool, I'll be over to get my stuff, she seems to have lost it again at that very moment. This is curious to me. The flash drive she has is the backup to everything on my Mac. I feel pretty lost without it. I have decided that if I get a chance tomorrow, I'm going to go to her house, as she lives less than a mile away, and if someone is there I will either sit there until she finds it, or search for it myself. I've had it with her amount of disrespect. These are not her things that she is refusing to give back to me, yet things I graciously lent her. I will not put up with her total and blatant refusal in a round about way to give me my things back. What is wrong with people?
She told me, ultimately, that she was temporarily out and she would get back to me when she got home today, as she'd look for everything then. She is home, as she has changed her status online and she can't do that from her phone. To me, this speaks volumes about a person.
As I also mentioned before, I am in need of making a trip to the County Assistance Office, or, in laments terms, Hell. Yesterday I got papers in the mail from them, so I decided to look them over today and be prepared for my plan of attack tomorrow, a weekday, when the office is open and if needed, I can call up there. Calling is needed. There is so much wrong with these papers that I'm unsure if I actually have the correct words to describe it.
For beginners, practically none of my information is correct on them. They got my name right, but where I live is sketchy, and the school district and township is totally blown. One paper states that if anything is wrong on the papers, you must come in and do an in person interview, as you won't be able to complete one over the phone without re-filling out papers. What's sad is that my information used to be correct until I got switched to this new caseworker who is obviously unable to copy things correctly. Of course, this now becomes my problem.
On these papers they have also marked a date and time that they would be calling me for a phone interview, had I not had to go in there. I now have to call and make an actual appointment at the office, but either way, they just picked a date and time and put it on the paper. I am not available for that date and time so it was nice of them to confer with me. Did I mention that I don't care for this new caseworker? I never had problems previous to her.
What really got me though, is the fact that the papers were received by me on Saturday. On the papers it very clearly is marked that I MUST have the papers filled out by a doctor and returned to the office by Friday. Yes, THIS Friday. I risk losing benefits otherwise, and considering the doctors don't want me working due to being so ill, this is extremely unfair to me. I don't exactly know where the county assistance office thinks the writing on these papers magically appears from, but you can not just go into a doctors office and tell them that you must see the doctor to have all these tons of papers filled out so you can take them with you and physically walk them into the assistance office so that you can have an interview with them. You have to actually make an appointment for that. Trust me, by now I know this. Tomorrow I get to call my caseworker and explain this to her, then hope she can understand this and give me an extension. With the doctors I am working with, it will be at least two weeks until I can get an appointment. *Sigh*
I'm a little more frustrated tonight than I would like to be. Granted, with everything going on I understand that I tend to get frustrated a little easier than most people would, but I can't help it. I don't mean to, but it's unfortunately an easy thing to do. I just want to have a chance to relax, but right now it's not an option, so I'll keep on trucking.
I wanted to notate as well that I am enjoying reading New Moon immensely. All the errors and issues in the first book seemed to have been well looked over and taken care of in this one. There are no grammatical errors, spelling errors, and other missteps. The plot is good, I'm eager to read on, and I'm glad that this book is as pleasing as it is. I'm wondering if she got a new editor. Does anyone else know if maybe she did between Twilight and New Moon? It seems to me like that's what happened considering all the errors seemed to have been caught this time around.
For tonight's song I've picked a band that I didn't know if I would ever go ahead and add a song from on here, but not for the lack of absolutely adoring their talent. For whatever reason, this song has been stuck in my head for two days now, so what the heck, I'll add it. The song is, deep breath, I Constantly Thank God For Esteban (What is up with these names?) by Panic! At the Disco, yes, they still had the exclamation point in their name at that point, from the album A Fever You Can't Sweat Out. The provided video is from their Live In Denver DVD which came with the limited edition A Fever You Can't Sweat Out box set. I'm not going to post a link for that here because the box set sold out fairly quickly and hasn't been available for purchase for almost two years now, unless you can find someone personally selling one. The Live In Denver DVD was never sold separately either, so enjoy the video!
I was really trying to resist saying this too, but now that I'm adding the link to the video, I just can't. Please enjoy Brendon Urie's perfectly sculpted ass as much as you can before he takes a seat to play the keys. You can bounce a dime off of that thing, and you're welcome.
And for those of you who didn't get enough of it, I present, There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought of It Yet. Bad stripper dancer presented by the aforementioned is provided free of charge.
A Music Minute,
Bookworm Says,
Friend Flops,
Health Talk
Saturday, February 21, 2009
It Can Rain On the Clearest of Days

Hearts. Before I take the adventure into writing this blog, I just wanted to send my love Miss Dani's way. You are more awesome and I heart you harder. Yes, I said harder. Oh yeah, baby. Oh my God, I am so sorry. Considering our conversation last night, I'm pretty sure that fit right along with it. When we both go back and read our conversation from last night, which I have yet to do, we're definitely going to be wondering what we were both on. For the record of the readers, we weren't on anything, but we were living high on exhaustion. Yes, we are just that awesome, thank you. Promises live!
I have half a notion to throw "gah" today's way again, but instead, I shall throw ugh its' way. Again, not complaining, but I do have a story. Before I even get into it, I want to comment on something I realized today. After foregoing the possible Saturday night plans for reasons I'll get into soon, I was asked to do the exact same thing at the exact same place by Becky number 2 when the original plans were with Becky number 1. This can not be some kind of unnatural instance. It just can't. Anyway, not the point in the least.
I turned down Becky number 2's request to go out tonight in favor of staying in, getting a nice, long, hot bath, and working on my novel since I haven't done that in the capacity I would have liked in quite awhile. Tonight just seemed like the perfect night for it and a night for myself. While soaking in the bath tub, I started to relax and think about summer and anywhere but here. I long to live out west, preferably on the outskirts of Vegas, where there's high mountains and desert. I was out west almost three years ago, a story which I will one day tell, maybe today, depending on if I feel like it or not after I get through the story of today. Today, I dreamed of being there, away from all of this, away from being sick, and being who I really want to be, who I really am.
There's one thing I really love more than anything in the world, and it's something that I can do alone, away from everyone and everything else without having to think or answer to anyone, but when the conditions are right. When it's a warm summer day, so hot and sticky that you just can't stand it and want nothing but relief, is when the potential for my perfection rolls in. It's the nights after those days, when the rain falls hard and fast, putting the kind of chill in the air that runs right through you, that I love the most. I open all the windows, run a nice, hot bath containing products from Bath and Body Works such as sleep, stress, and relax (I don't believe they sale this anymore, as I was unable to find it.) along with some oils from Young Living, light a bunch of white tea lights, turn off all the lights, and settle in with a good book. The mix of the right light to read, the book to relax, and the soothing sound of the rain hitting the ground while sitting in a hot bath with chilled air streaming in through the windows is where I find I am most peaceful and happy. I long for more of those days and I long for them out west. Out west, where I want to be, I won't see eight degree days and snow for three months straight, sometimes more. I have more of a chance to find my paradise, and don't we all deserve that?
The kind of days I like are photographed and documented at the top of this blog. Even though the rain happened during the day, it was on the edge of evening last summer, and the day had been excruciatingly hot. Love. Now, for the story of the day.
Last December, I began to ask Becky number 1, who I will just refer to as Becky throughout the rest of this blog, what day she would like to have her birthday on. Her birthday is this coming Monday, so this gave her two months to think about it, get the day off work, etc. I told her straight out that I wanted to plan an amazing party for her being that it was her 23rd birthday and on the 23rd of February. She told me that she didn't know what day she wanted to have it. This was understandable. It was only December, however I continued to ask her once a week to think about it more, not to bug her, but to remind her, and also hoping that she would think this out as soon as possible, giving me more time to plan the best party for her that I possibly could, however her answer remained the same up until last night. She said she just didn't know. She had even taken this entire weekend off of work, including Friday, and she still didn't know what she wanted to do. I was upset as it was apparent to me that my good intentions were lost and I was not planning a party for her. (I realized this weeks ago but I still held hope. I was a stupid girl.) I was slightly upset with her for not letting me do this, but also felt as if I knew her well enough, after twelve years, to know that something was going on and I was also becoming increasingly frustrated with her lack of honesty between us in a friendship such as this.
Last night she happened to say to me through text, in so many words, that Amber had planned a cosmic bowling party for her and she guessed I could come if I wanted to. This was news to me, especially considering an hour earlier she was telling me that she had no idea when she was doing her party, or if she was having a party at all. I told her I would let her know in the morning if I wanted to come or not, as at this point I was extremely offended by her for several reason. One being the obvious reason that she had blown me off and let someone else make other plans, and then "guessed" that I could come. The other reason being that she has known this Amber girl for about a month. I really started to think about quite a few things in this amount of time from night to new daylight.
Becky is a boss at Wal-Mart, a Customer Service Manager (CSM) to be more specific. She is not supposed to, by work handbook, hang out with those below her or get involved with them for several reasons which I won't get into. I was reminded of this today. As of the past few months she has become, well, this may sound harsh, but let's be honest and say "obsessed" with a seventeen year old boy who works under her. She is his boss, period. I realize the age of consent in this state is sixteen, however his parents hate her and can still push rape charges on her if anything is to happen between them. She claims nothing is happening, however, he has been in her hotel room when she lost power and rented one out before, and the way she talks about him lately I'm finding this harder and harder to believe, yet, up until last night, I trusted my friend. She also started becoming good friends with the underagers at work and has been pushing me out little by little like I am not good enough for her after twelve years and don't exist. I have put up with it on several occasions, but when she falls, it's going to be pretty far, as this morning I made my final decision about the situation.
This morning I decided that I didn't want to be part of her party. I am quite frankly hurt, pissed off, and offended by the way the entire situation went down. Here, I thought I was going to do something amazing for my friend, but it turns out that the joke was on me. Since finding this new group at work that she's not by work standards allowed to hang out with in the first place, I'm nothing to her. If she wants it that way, that's fine. I don't need her shit. I do however need my flash drive that I lent to her, and my book that she's had for eight months but never read despite reading three books a week, back. Disrespect. I will deal with this accordingly and let her go along her merry way and figure things out herself. I hate seeing a friendship end like this, but really, what else am I going to do? She's made it more than clear over the last couple of months that I mean nothing to her, so why stay where I'm not welcomed anyway? It's her loss. I'm the one she always comes to when something goes wrong, even still, but she just doesn't care to spend time with me anymore. She also hasn't listened to a word I've said in a good month. Let her figure it out herself. I am worth more than that. I deserve better.
Speaking of, what is up with girls anymore? I feel like I can insult girls, as I am one, but still. The other day my friend Steve and I were talking about this. I have no idea how guys date girls. I legitimately understand why guys decide to be gay, I just don't understand why one girl would want to date another, however, I am not against it. I don't understand how girls can run over perfectly amazing guys, beat them down, and think that it's okay. I also don't understand why every girl I know is so obsessed with some guy that is either using her, or treating her like shit, that she will displace the rest of her friends to continually get beat up by him. I just don't get it. I never want to be one of those girls. Ever. If I am, I hope that the friends I do have love me enough to tell me about it very harshly. Also note that I don't believe all girls are like this, but there must be something in the water around here.
Since I'm on a roll, I think I will tell the incredibly shortened version of the story of my trip to Arizona, but mostly just because I want to post pictures of how beautiful it is out west. Three years back I had a very good friend that I worked with. She had left to go to college in Arizona, which is literally the whole way on the other side of the country from me. For spring break her mother decided that she wanted to send me down to visit said friend, who will remain nameless, as a surprise to said friend since we were so close. Her mother approached me about this, not the other way around. I accepted, as I missed said friend terribly and I was excited to go and see her. Both her mother and I thought the same for her, but that obviously wasn't true.
When I got down there, I waited at the airport for her for over an hour. She knew I was coming three months ahead of time. Her excuse, she and her two friends that had come with her had decided to stop and sit down and eat before they came and got me. They were already running, late as they had a class that morning, so basically it was a big fuck you. They made it to the airport when they made it to the airport. On top of that, she sent her friend that I never even met into the airport to get me. I knew this wasn't going to go well, but as always, I tried to be optimistic. I should have just given up at that point. I should have known better.
I went with her anyway and what transpired over the following four days was beyond my wildest nightmares of hell. She and her other friend who I will name, Mandi, decided they just pretty much didn't want me there and I was in their way. They slept until three in the afternoon, which was six in the afternoon my time, did what they wanted, didn't ask me, and pretty much pretended like I didn't exist, and then, after day two, they decided to go to Lake Havasu City from Flagstaff, where we were located at the time. I went with them, having no other choice, and things only got ten times worse. I spent three full hours trying to find a way just to get away from them. We had been staying with said friends uncle, and after the events that transpired, he literally told her to get me somewhere where I was away from their childish actions and that they were not welcomed back to visit him. He said this to his OWN NIECE. Then, he called her mother ,who had paid and had me sent down there, and told her about how horribly her daughter was treating me. I felt relieved that someone else was seeing how they were treating me, and that it was said friends uncle to boot.
After four horrible days we ended up back in Flagstaff, I packed up my stuff, and went with my uncle in Phoenix who happened to be home from LA that week. The last four days were the most amazing days I have ever experienced. He put me up in his pool house and I got to go shopping, climb mountains, and see family members that I had never even met before. Pure perfection. I fell in love with the west.
Anyone who knows me knows that if I could live anywhere that it would be Chicago. That city saved my life in a very literal way, and one day I may tell that story, but I don't know yet. I love the city, the houses, the transportation, how you can go from the city to the beach on the same metro, and the little towns on the outskirts. It's the best of every world, but it is cold and it is expensive. I've really been dreaming a lot lately and my dreams always take place out west in a desert setting, one I can't find in Chicago. Something bigger is calling me out there and I'm more than ready to go. I just have to get better first.
For randomosity sake, I wanted to add that someone just randomly IMed me on Windows Live Messenger and asked me who I was. They were not someone on my contact list, nor did I have the slightest clue of who they could be. I nicely told them that they had IMed me and that I would like to know who they were first. From there they proceeded to flip out at me, saying that I was being extremely rude to them, and then demanded to know where I lived and everything else. I stayed very calm and they got continually pissed. I can not stop laughing.
Before I go, I will add the song for the day. Speaking of loving someone harder, I decided to add 6 Months by the band Hey Monday off of their debut album Hold On Tight. I instantly fell in love with the meaning of this song and I hope you will too.
Also, while I'm thinking of it, I wanted to add another song as this just seems to fit my day. Here is Can I Go Now by Jennifer Love Hewitt off of her fourth album Barenaked. Not a lot of people know she can sing, but I absolutely adore her. Ya for an actual music video!
A Music Minute,
Friend Flops,
Vacation Adventures
The Product of Sleeping Too Much and Feeling Good Too Little
First of all, I want to thank the wonderful young woman from Way With Words who decided to follow my blog. You are super awesome. Everyone, please click on my "followers" and head over to her blog, say hi, dance, and stay awhile.
Ugh, today. I am not complaining, but just letting today know how I feel about it. Today, I feel "ugh" about you, and yes, that is exactly how I feel with no and, ifs, or buts in between.
Before I get into today though, I would like to quote two lines from Monk. To set this up for you in the easiest way possible, he is in a missing congresswoman's office and dealing with a very incompetent secretary who can't figure out how to print something off of the computer. Monk makes a comment and she fires back with, and I quote:
"Are you patronizing me?"
And Monk says right back:
"No, I'm insulting you."
So I had a very specific plan for the day and was looking forward to having some great material to post, however I did nothing on my agenda today. What did I do, you ask? I slept, but certainly not by choice. I woke up late morning since I can never sleep until at least four am figuring that I would get ready and go to the county assistance office. I realized very quickly that I couldn't sit or stand up for any amount of time without getting insanely dizzy. Getting dressed, far more driving was one hundred and fifty percent not happening, but not for the lack of trying. I gave up and laid down again, hoping to get a few more hours of sleep and be good to go. This did not happen. I'll go to the county assistance office Monday since I have to be up, do or die, by nine Monday morning.
I fell back to sleep and woke up again at 3:30pm, but didn't feel any better. I had plans to meet with Becky number 1 for a pre birthday dinner at Red Robin tonight, but around five I was still not ready and could not do it. I really didn't want to crap out on her so I tried to wait until the last minute, and tried to push myself to get ready and go despite how I felt. Luckily, she understands that I am sick and I do try, but I still feel really horribly about skipping dinner with her. Worse yet, she's having a party tomorrow night. It's cosmic bowling from 12am to 3am. I really want to go, but who knows how I'll feel. I hate not being able to make plans because of my health. I never know how I'll feel from day to day and it ruins a lot of things for me. Now, because I slept all day, I find myself totally discontented and I probably will be up all night and half of the morning. Screw tomorrow, I guess.
I feel like this blog is really raw and boring tonight, so I'm trying to think of a fun story to add to it to make it more glitzy. I don't like leaving boring posts with no meaning. I really enjoy being able to tell stories for both my own sake, so years from now I can look back on this blog and remember things just like I would in a diary, and so everyone reading this can enjoy or learn something from it.
While I'm thinking, I decided to get a little personal on here. When I started this blog I decided that there was only one thing / situation / person that I would not talk about. I will leave it like that. I also decided that I didn't want to talk about other people's personal problems on here, but was okay with addressing things from my side without throwing my point of view on it, or identifying said person. With that in mind, I would like to address a friend who I will call recently heartbroken, or RH for short.
RH, without getting into specifics, currently was beaten down pretty badly by an ex. He is an amazing, sweet, wonderful, incredible guy, the kind that every girl claims she wants and then takes advantage of. This is a good example of that. Right now I just want everyone to send their love his way, and pray that he finds someone who will actually treat him well. He deserves that one hundred percent and I hate seeing him hurt like this. KC, some of your words on a recent blog have helped him immensely. I thought that you were an inspiration to young girls everywhere, but it turns out you are the face of heartbreak in the good way, as you give people hope and are a good example of how to handle it with elegance and grace. Thank you from both he and I.
I started a Livejournal today, in all randomness, only to realize that I am one hundred percent Livejournal inept. I started one about a year ago and just realized that it was smarter than me. I guess it's because I don't totally get the point of a Livejournal or what it is used for unless you're really into one of the communities, which I am not. I'm all about trying new things, and with all the time I sadly have on my hands around doctors appointments, I think I shall give this thing a try. Hopefully I'm not as think as I stupid I am when it comes to it.
As I think I mentioned in my first blog, I am currently working on a novel. I've been writing for a long time and believe that every experience in your life is there for you to learn something from, gain something from. In this case, me being sick has altered every part of my life to the point where it has taken my life away. I'm trying to make the best of it. I've always loved to write, so now I'm hoping that I can write a novel while I have all this time on my hands, in my good days. Maybe this is what I'm supposed to learn from being down like this. Maybe I'm supposed to make the best of it and find a career. Who knows, but it's worth giving it a try, right?
I have to suck tonight, but I feel all blah. I've slept so much that I've made myself feel icky and exhausted, so I'm going to leave the blog at that. I feel like I have zero fun stories to tell. Instead of messing up the blog worse, I shall just leave it.
Ooh, but before I forget, the song of the night. Tonight I chose I'm Only Me When I'm With You by Taylor Swift off of the reloaded, enhanced re-release of her debut album Taylor Swift. The reason I chose this was because it was Friday, and the beginning line in this makes me think of beautiful Friday nights with someone you love. Listen, love, be inspired. Score for being able to add a song with an actual music video.
Ugh, today. I am not complaining, but just letting today know how I feel about it. Today, I feel "ugh" about you, and yes, that is exactly how I feel with no and, ifs, or buts in between.
Before I get into today though, I would like to quote two lines from Monk. To set this up for you in the easiest way possible, he is in a missing congresswoman's office and dealing with a very incompetent secretary who can't figure out how to print something off of the computer. Monk makes a comment and she fires back with, and I quote:
"Are you patronizing me?"
And Monk says right back:
"No, I'm insulting you."
So I had a very specific plan for the day and was looking forward to having some great material to post, however I did nothing on my agenda today. What did I do, you ask? I slept, but certainly not by choice. I woke up late morning since I can never sleep until at least four am figuring that I would get ready and go to the county assistance office. I realized very quickly that I couldn't sit or stand up for any amount of time without getting insanely dizzy. Getting dressed, far more driving was one hundred and fifty percent not happening, but not for the lack of trying. I gave up and laid down again, hoping to get a few more hours of sleep and be good to go. This did not happen. I'll go to the county assistance office Monday since I have to be up, do or die, by nine Monday morning.
I fell back to sleep and woke up again at 3:30pm, but didn't feel any better. I had plans to meet with Becky number 1 for a pre birthday dinner at Red Robin tonight, but around five I was still not ready and could not do it. I really didn't want to crap out on her so I tried to wait until the last minute, and tried to push myself to get ready and go despite how I felt. Luckily, she understands that I am sick and I do try, but I still feel really horribly about skipping dinner with her. Worse yet, she's having a party tomorrow night. It's cosmic bowling from 12am to 3am. I really want to go, but who knows how I'll feel. I hate not being able to make plans because of my health. I never know how I'll feel from day to day and it ruins a lot of things for me. Now, because I slept all day, I find myself totally discontented and I probably will be up all night and half of the morning. Screw tomorrow, I guess.
I feel like this blog is really raw and boring tonight, so I'm trying to think of a fun story to add to it to make it more glitzy. I don't like leaving boring posts with no meaning. I really enjoy being able to tell stories for both my own sake, so years from now I can look back on this blog and remember things just like I would in a diary, and so everyone reading this can enjoy or learn something from it.
While I'm thinking, I decided to get a little personal on here. When I started this blog I decided that there was only one thing / situation / person that I would not talk about. I will leave it like that. I also decided that I didn't want to talk about other people's personal problems on here, but was okay with addressing things from my side without throwing my point of view on it, or identifying said person. With that in mind, I would like to address a friend who I will call recently heartbroken, or RH for short.
RH, without getting into specifics, currently was beaten down pretty badly by an ex. He is an amazing, sweet, wonderful, incredible guy, the kind that every girl claims she wants and then takes advantage of. This is a good example of that. Right now I just want everyone to send their love his way, and pray that he finds someone who will actually treat him well. He deserves that one hundred percent and I hate seeing him hurt like this. KC, some of your words on a recent blog have helped him immensely. I thought that you were an inspiration to young girls everywhere, but it turns out you are the face of heartbreak in the good way, as you give people hope and are a good example of how to handle it with elegance and grace. Thank you from both he and I.
I started a Livejournal today, in all randomness, only to realize that I am one hundred percent Livejournal inept. I started one about a year ago and just realized that it was smarter than me. I guess it's because I don't totally get the point of a Livejournal or what it is used for unless you're really into one of the communities, which I am not. I'm all about trying new things, and with all the time I sadly have on my hands around doctors appointments, I think I shall give this thing a try. Hopefully I'm not as think as I stupid I am when it comes to it.
As I think I mentioned in my first blog, I am currently working on a novel. I've been writing for a long time and believe that every experience in your life is there for you to learn something from, gain something from. In this case, me being sick has altered every part of my life to the point where it has taken my life away. I'm trying to make the best of it. I've always loved to write, so now I'm hoping that I can write a novel while I have all this time on my hands, in my good days. Maybe this is what I'm supposed to learn from being down like this. Maybe I'm supposed to make the best of it and find a career. Who knows, but it's worth giving it a try, right?
I have to suck tonight, but I feel all blah. I've slept so much that I've made myself feel icky and exhausted, so I'm going to leave the blog at that. I feel like I have zero fun stories to tell. Instead of messing up the blog worse, I shall just leave it.
Ooh, but before I forget, the song of the night. Tonight I chose I'm Only Me When I'm With You by Taylor Swift off of the reloaded, enhanced re-release of her debut album Taylor Swift. The reason I chose this was because it was Friday, and the beginning line in this makes me think of beautiful Friday nights with someone you love. Listen, love, be inspired. Score for being able to add a song with an actual music video.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Book It and Other Oddities

Wow! I'm going to try to keep my thoughts laid out in a way that makes some kind of sense, but I'm unsure if I can. I'm still recovering from earlier today and I'm half lackadaisical right now. I fell asleep around seven and woke up at eleven. Just my luck. I'm still exhausted, so much though that nothing feels right, but I can't sleep. As Becky number 1 would for you.
Tonight I thought I would start the blog out with a puppy and kitty picture again. The puppy is Munchkin, aka Munchie for short and because it sounds more fun. My mom brought her home. The lady she cleans for went into the hospital and so my mom offered to temporarily babysit Munchie for her, but now it looks as if we will be keeping her. Munchie is a fifteen pound Pugapoo (a pug / poodle mix). Before I tell my story, you must understand that. The picture I posted isn't without reason, as you must see her to really get a good feel for this story. The picture also is not upside down. I was sitting on the couch and she was leaning up against it, so that was my direct view of her.
Around five this evening I heard quite the clatter in the dining room. My mom and I sat here for a few minutes trying to figure out what was going on. Were we being robbed? Did someone break in and we didn't know it? Was one of the dogs chasing a cat sporadically around the house and making it sound like terror? Just when we were ready to get up to go and see what all the fuss was about, Munchie came bounding into the living room with a stuffed bear dog toy. The toy is a good inch taller than her, and wider than her as well. She had it in her mouth and she was throwing it from side to side. As we watched her enter the living room we realized she was the one making all the noise, as the bear was so big that she kept tripping herself on it, falling, and then getting back up and trying to run with it. Dog toy, $8. Dog, free, but initially cost the original owner $250. The dog with a toy that is larger than her....priceless! The big dogs now think she's nuts and are not speaking to her. You'll have that.
Now for the promised update on how the conversation with my mom went about her SUV. She was in shock and horror. She wasn't mad at me, which made me shocked and slightly horrified that she had been replaced by some alien life form. She's actually going to go and get the SUV checked out so this hopefully doesn't happen again. I am amazed.
As promised, I am actually going to review the Twilight book tonight. I'm going to try to be as objective as possible. I don't like to say mean things about anyone or their work, but I am honest. That being said, I'm sure some of the things I say aren't going to thrill everyone, but honestly, I am not trying to be mean or offend anyone. Feel free to comment me and post your own thoughts about the book. I've talked to several people about their view on this book, or more or less Stephenie Meyer's writing, which I will get into in just a second, but first, let me just start with the concept of the book in general.
First of all, I am not and never have been into the whole vampire scene. I have nothing against it, but it never tickled my fancy, so to speak. I really hadn't heard of Twilight to be honest until the movie came out. I didn't realize that there was this whole phenomena out there just waiting for me to explore it. Still though, it didn't spark my interest. The movie trailers, posters, and propaganda were pushed in my face everywhere I turned. Hot Topic, the internet, television, theaters, just everywhere. I began to wonder what the fascination was with this whole Twilight thing, and after hearing that, when you go to see the movie, you don't feel like you're watching a vampire movie, I decided to check it out. Lies, I tell you. It's quite obvious that you're watching a vampire movie, but I still really enjoyed it and decided that I wanted to venture into the books.
I think what made Twilight unique and made me enjoy it was that the vampires are very human, for all intents and purposes. They aren't savages that go out and are constantly sucking the blood of those around them. It's obvious they're vampires, but they're extremely civilized, which left many unexplored dynamics that intertwined with the plot. These vampires don't even suck the blood of their worst enemies. Also, the addition of the Indian's, friends of the Swan family, and their legends made the story ten times better and gave it a hefty backbone. This concept gave Stephenie Meyer a lot to work with. The dynamic simply worked.
The beginning of the book, just as in the movie, is slow moving. The movie and the book fall together pretty verbatim for the prologue and first half of the first chapter, so much so that it's scary. I know this review is more on the book, but it's kind of bilateral in a way, as I wanted to throw in the comments on how it compared to the movie so that I covered everything full circle. In all honesty, had I not seen the movie and was reading the book out of pure curiosity, I'm unsure of how far I would have actually gotten through the book. This is true for several reasons.
The first reason is that, as I said, it's slow moving at the beginning. I understood why the book was formatted and written in the way that it was, but I felt like I wanted just a bit more action. Comparing the book to the movie, I actually liked the element of having the other three vampires in the movie through out stages in the beginning a little better, however, I can see how that would have been difficult to write into a book that is told in one characters point of view. One thing the book had going for it though was that no one died from the wrath of the other vampires like they did in the movie. This just made things better for whatever reason. (Sorry if I'm giving stuff away. Insert your kicking of me here.)
The second and most prominent reason that I had issues with the book was the writing and editing. I honestly have not met anyone who hasn't had an issue with this aspect of the book. As my one friends said, her writing is good for children and illiterate people. This is true in a way, however, I don't really know if I blame Stephenie Meyer or her editor, but I'm more apt to blame the editor. There are so many problems in the book esthetically that it is unbelievable. The grammar is bad, the use of punctuation is worse, there are spelling errors, and several places where two different tense are used in the same sentence. Also, there are several places where someone will say one thing in one paragraph, and contradict it in the paragraph directly below it, almost as if a train of thought was lost between the two, having some parts make no sense, so you have to take it for what it is. In all honesty, if it wasn't for seeing the movie first, I'm unsure of how much sense some things would have made due to this. These are things that the editor should have caught. If I was a publisher, I could not have warranted publishing a book with this many mistakes. It almost seemed as if the rough, non proofread draft of the book got published. I know I'm not the only one thinking this.
It was a rough read, but overall a good book. I'm glad that I did stick with it because I immensely enjoyed the story as a whole. I am slightly reluctant to see how the second book is going to go. Hopefully there will be less errors, making it an easier read. I'm already seeing where the movies are going to veer away from the books, so I would like to get the books read before the movies come out, which shouldn't be too hard. Famous.last.words. So how did the movie compare to the book?
I actually liked the movie better, but I know there's a very strong split line between people's opinions when it comes to that. The book had a lot more romance, whereas the movie didn't really showcase Edward and Bella kissing, cuddling, and doing other such romantic but not sexual things as much. Their relationship seems very deep on a spiritual and emotional level, but the physical part seems almost absent in the movie. In the book, it's apparent that every time Edward kisses Bella, she has some sort of weird reaction as it's such a sensory overload for her. This was not shown in the movie, and I'm still unsure of which I liked better. Because the character of Edward is so very different, it was slightly uncomfortable to watch the romance develop between he and Bella in the movie, but beautiful at the same time. It's something I don't think I can really explain.
I personally liked the way that the movie was formatted a little better than the book. The same events happen, just in a different way or in a different place in both. The way things happened in certain places in the book seemed a little more unrealistic than how they did in the movie. The book is much more fairy tale like in a dark way, whereas the movie tries to make this fictionally intriguing story more realistic, or as realistic as it can be. That being said, I'm a fan of fairy tales and romance, so had I read the book first, I would have probably liked it better, if I could have gotten through it. However, after seeing the movie, I was thinking more logically and realistically than romantically and didn't let myself get caught up in the story as mush as I should have. I'll be interested to read New Moon before the movie comes out, and then compare and see which I liked better. I think that will really be a good test.
As suspected, the movie and the book ended the same, but differently. There was one additional scene added onto the end of the movie that was not in the book. I suspect this is for two reasons. One, I don't know if the book was ever meant to turn into a saga, so she ended it infinitely instead of leaving it hanging. Does anyone else know if the book was supposed to be a lone one, or a saga from the start? Two, they had to add some movie magic to keep you wanting to come back for me, and so you knew there would be a sequel. (As long as someone agreed to actually produce it and add the necessary financial backing.) The movie foreshadows, which is good, but in a way it almost ruins part of the next movie by giving something away, however I think you about figured what it gave away already. I'm interested to see though, if, in the books, Victoria does pop up again in New Moon, or if this is just going to be a movie thing. I'm assuming she would, but I don't really know as the book doesn't touch on it at all. It is what it is in the book, the focus being more on James, so I want to see where this goes.
All in all, if you're looking for a book that holds an age old concept with a new, fresh, wonderful twist, Twilight is that book. Just be prepared for the errors and a little bit of a tough read. If you focus on the story though, you will really enjoy the book. It's easy to get lost in and a good way to get rid of some stress at the end of the day.
I want to continue with the subject of books, but first I must add something random to the mix. I got up to "take care of some business," so to speak. When I came back out into the living room I caught Munchie and Play (the cat pictured at the beginning of this blog) having an awfully intense stare off. Please understand that when Play is sitting down and straight up, he is taller than Munchie. They were both just standing there so very still, an inch from each other's face, staring menancingly at each other. I had to break it up with a treat, however I wish I would have gotten a picture first. Damn me, but back to the books.
For the books I am currently reading section of this blog, I shall put New Moon by Stephenie Meyer from the Twilight Saga. (See links to all of these things in my review of the book above.) Big surprise there, no? I literally just started it, and by just, I mean I got through the prologue and a page of the first chapter, totally reading two full pages, or three book pages. So far, and I know it's a little early to tell, but there seems to be less errors and issues compared to the first book. I also really like how she adds a short prologue, foreshadowing a part to come later. It really pulls me and in and it's almost rare to see an author add prologues and epilogues anymore, or am I the only one who thinks that? Maybe it's just the books I'm reading.
My aunt that's not really my aunt lent me a book the other day, as she thought I would be interested in it. Initially I was going to start it after I finished Twilight, but I haven't as of yet for two reasons. One, I really want to get through all the Twilight books in sequential order and without interruption. Two, I am unsure of what I think of reading the book. In one way I am totally intrigued and in another the concept of it is very unsettling, so to read a real life story about something as such does freak me out just a little in the scared kind of way.
The book is called He Came to Set the Captives Free by Rebecca Brown. It is the first of two books, the second being Prepare for War. The writer is an ex MD, and from what I understand, the story is her true life journey of the battle between good and evil. Dr. Brown was losing many of her patients at a local hospital for absolutely no reason and could not figure out why, enter Elaine. The book has a lot of elements of Satan worshiping and what not from what I understand, so I'm unsure if I really want to read the book. I personally believe in God, and although I would never shove my beliefs on anyone else, it's a belief I hold strongly, and anything involving Satan makes me naturally uncomfortable. I would like to figure out what I'm doing with it so I can give it back to her ASAP, even if it means interrupting my reading of the Twilight saga. However, she has had a book of my moms from over a year now, so I doubt she'll notice how long it's gone. Has anyone read this?
A friend of mine suggested a series of books to me the other day. She forewarned me that the books are about witches, elves, vampires, and the like. I've never really gotten into that sort of thing, but she assured me that they were amazing books, and if I liked Twilight that I would also like them. I shall post about them on here and hopefully some of you read them, or will read them and give your opinion on them.
The books are from a series called The Hollows and are written by Kim Harrison. As of now, there are seven books in the series, and from what I understand, there are more to come. I'll list the books for future reference.
1. Dead Witch Walking
2. The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
3. Every Which Way But Dead
4. A Fistful of Charms
5. For A Few Demons More
6. The Outlaw Demon Wails
7. White Witch, Black Curse
I'm almost tempted to read these out of curiosity alone. If you have read them or want to read them, please feel free to sound off about them. Thanks.
While I'm still on the subject of books, I would like to point out a book that I recently read and really enjoyed. This book was made into a movie adaption for the Lifetime Television Network. I had not heard of the book until that time, but apparently it was a New York Times Best Seller. I watched the movie and was unimpressed, but already knew that I really loved the works of the author who wrote the book, so I instantly knew the book would be better and had to read it.
The book is called The Tenth Circle and it is by Jodi Picoult. It focuses on the rape of a daughter by her ex boyfriend and how the family deals with it, as well as how they deal with the mothers' infidelity. The book is chalk full of comic strips that go along with the theme, as the father is a comic strip artist and writer. Jodie Picoult is a graceful and poignant writer and I think everyone should read at least one book by her before they die. Honestly, she's written a ton of books, so take your pick. You don't necessarily have to read this book, per say.
The book and the movie follow right along in unison until the last third of the book. In the movie, they completely cut out the last third of what's in the book. They simply skipped it and ended the movie in the same place, but in a totally different way without the third part. Honestly, after seeing the movie, you would have never known or seen a reason for the last third of the book, but that third was the most amazing part of the book and I sank my teeth into all one hundred and fifty pages, staying up late just to finish it. It is definitely worth your time, if you can spare some.
I think that's all for tonight. I am still inspired by KC and I already posted a song earlier. If I had another one stuck in my head, I'd post a new one, but I do not. I'm having dinner with Becky number 1 tomorrow pre her birthday, so I'm unsure of what time I will be home. It's hard telling knowing the two of us, but I normally update late anyway.
Tomorrow should be pretty interesting in general, as I have to go to the County Assistance Office. My doctors have all signed papers, although I didn't ask them to do this, stating that I am not allowed to work. This has been the case for about a year and they're not changing their minds until they absolutely, one hundred percent, know what is going on with me. That's great and all, and I appreciate them looking out for me, however I am bored not working as I always have to be doing something, and I am broke. It is hard to pay bills, such as make a car payment or pay your cell phone bill with no money coming in. The County Assistance Office and I must have a talk about cash assistance. I really hate asking for state help, but in the position I'm in, what else am I going to do? My hands are tied. *Sigh* I'm sure I'll have a hell of a story tomorrow.
A Movie Minute,
Bookworm Says,
Playful Pets
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